Havannah Tran
Carey Cabrera
February 21, 2016

**All important information will be italicized.


The name of our client is Maggie Deng. She's the founder of Yellow Fellows** (tentatively named), an Asian American run online media platform. The website will be a platform for her and her staff to post articles, podcasts, and other forms of media. Essentially, we're creating a "skeleton" for her and her staff to put their content to be shared on the internet. She has a team of web designers that are versed in HTML/CSS/Python/javascript who will update the material in the page accordingly. We just need to provide a platform for them to do that.

Audience & General Notes

The audience will be news readers who are interested in Asian American issues and perspectives. Because of this, we want to be able to present the information in an incredibly simple way (see the last paragraph for more details; the design aspects are murky because before we start building, she wants a few wireframes to look at and decide what would best suit her intended audience.)


In an ideal world, she wants us to create something that mimics thefader.com, here the interactive pdf is the homepage, but other article thumbnails can be accessed underneath via scrolling. Overall, the functionality of the site should mirror that of a typical publication website: a taskbar with a homepage with the month's main content. In a more concise manner, she wants the following:


Maggie asks that the website uses a lot of dead space/margins/white space for two reasons: to emphasize the content and to give her the option of running ads along on the margins if need be.


Maggie is in the process of figuring out who will host the site once the project is over, but she has a team of web designers on it. She will let us know once the information is available in the next month or so.