The Four Goals of the Newspapers on Wikipedia (NOW) Project:
Can’t attend the event but want to help? You can still participate! We’d love for you to contribute remotely, if you cannot attend the event in person! Please email us if this is the case. On the week of the event, we’ll send you a link to website that includes instructions on how to edit and keep track of your edits. (Eventually, our goal is for all participants to edit Wikipedia pages in their own time!) Please email any technical how-to questions to arothsch[ at] wellesley [dot] edu.
The #NOW (Newspapers on Wikipedia Project) was created by Mike Caulfield after reading Investigating the Effects of Google's Search Engine Result Page in Evaluating the Credibility of Online News Sources, written by Emma Lurie '19 and Professor Eni Mustafaraj, of Wellesley's CS Department. As Caulfield writes, "The core of the paper is this — Lurie and Mustafaraj nudged students with prompts into using lateral reading on sources, and then watched how they performed. In doing so, they were able to identify the ways in which untutored lateral reading succeeds and how it fails. This close examination yields a variety of insights in what search platforms, media literacy teachers, researchers, and others can do to better support readers in this process, as well as noting some pitfalls of current online literacy advice."
Now, what does this have to do with Wikipedia?
In short, Wikipedia information is used to create Google's "knowledge panels" - what you see when you Google something like a newspaper. An example of a basic knowledge panel (for a paper you might be unfamiliar with, like "Creative Loafing", a local Atlanta, GA paper) can be the first step to establishing a credible news source. Having credible information in that knowledge panel is a good first step in lateral reading - or the process of researching a source or topic by looking for other information on the source. The richer the knowledge panel, the more helpful it can be - google the New York Times to compare its knowledge panel to that of Creative Loafing. Now, for example, if you encountered a fake news story from a bogus source, let's say the "CRED Lab Daily Tribune" and you weren't able to find anything proving the legitimacy of the "CRED Lab Daily Tribune", you would be less likely to believe the story. See at right, there's no knowledge panel for this non-existant newspaper (however, many legitimate newspapers are lacking them, which makes differentiation difficult.) Now say you saw the same story from the "Creative Loafing" and you found reliable information for the source - you'd be more likely to believe it. By making sure legitimate newspapers are well documented on Wikipedia, we make it quicker and easier to delineate between a real and fake news source. And, as we all know, fake news has a multitude of extremely dangerous effects.
Funded by donors Paul Haahr and Susan Karp, each page that is completed will garner a donation of $25 towards Room to Read, an organization that promotes literacy and gender equality in education, specifically in ten countries in the Asian and African continents. But, there's a time limit - pages have to be created before December 15, 2018.
Your user page can be accessed at:
You'll need the following text snippets:
Ideally, we'll get to the point where we can create new pages from scratch. However, it's good to get some editing experience first - and Wikipedia requires an account to be 4 days old and have at least 10 edits before it can be used to create a new page. Thus, we'll start by editing infoboxes, which are also a crucial component because they feed information to the knowledge panels.
The first step is to find a paper from this list from the Wikipedia project page which lists all newspapers that need infoboxes.The infobox template will also be helpful.
Wikipedia editors are STRICT about what qualifies as a legitimate source. Remember, the guiding principle of the editors is that Wikipedia should be an encycolpedia, but only for the "noteable" stuff. Thus, the better researched and backed up an edit is, the more likely it is to stick around. In general, the Library of Congress, local libraries, and Google Books are a great way to find information on local newspapers. In particular, for new pages, here are some good places to start looking for particular fields:
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