Lecture 2 & 3   Class Activities

Exercise 1: Tags

  1. Copy/paste snippets of the HTML in this American Lit page to jsfiddle
  2. make the h3 elements green and underlined
  3. make the em elements red
  4. The result might look like American Lit after
  5. Explain the appearance of The Romantic Movement

Exercise 2: IDs

  1. What does the following URL do:
  2. What is the #intro part?
  3. Why should IDs be unique?
  4. Using jsfiddle and the HTML code from earlier, make the text of the #intro be 24px.
  5. Make the background color of that same DIV be wheat.
  6. The result might look like American Lit after 2

Exercise 3: Classes

  1. Make the background color of each week be khaki.
  2. Using that same HTML page, make optionaloptional stuff gray
  3. What is the color of Song of Myself?
  4. Can you think of a way to fix that?
  5. The result might look like American Lit after 3

Exercise 4: Tag Usage

  1. What would be better markup for the author photos?
  2. Implement that.
  3. The result might look like American Lit after 4