Absolute URLs

URLs are used to specify the locations of resources in files on any computer in the world, so they can be a little complex. Taking as an example the URL of the page you are reading:

http:// cs.wellesley.edu/ ~cs110/lectures/L02/ URLs.html
protocol server.domain path filename

let's break it down in its components:

Because URLs can specify files on many different kinds of computers, you should stick to a lowest common denominator when naming your directories and files, to avoid confusing machines and browsers. The lowest common denominator means:

Furthermore, be careful with upper and lower case. To your eyes, cats.html and Cats.html may seem like the same filename, but to a computer, they're as different as cats.html and dogs.html. The same rule is true of directory names: they are case-sensitive. Many people like to stick to all lower-case, just so they don't have to remember. .

Exercise 1

Use a file transfer program (such as Fetch or WinSCP) to create a path of directories in your CS account, and then create a simple web page that just says “hello world” and put it in the bottommost directory. Construct the URL to the page and then try to view the page with your browser.

Certain parts of the end of an absolute URL can be omitted. For example, the filename can be omitted and (usually) defaults to a file named index.html in the specified directory (for an example, see our course homepage). Similarly, the path can be omitted, in which case the page is in the top directory of the web server. However, the protocol and server must be specified. You can't omit those. If a URL has a protocol, it's an absolute URL, otherwise it'll be treated as a relative URL.

Tree Structured Directories

As you know, most operating systems (including Mac, Windows, Unix, iOS, Android, etc.), organize the contents of a computer's hard drive into folders, also called directories. Folders and files form a tree structure, because of the ability of directories to contain other directories.

Here's an example:

For a website about Joss Whedon, we might have a folder about his Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV show, another about the TV show Angel, and a document about his comics. These might all be in a top-level folder called Joss. (The top-level folder is also called the root folder.) The folders about the TV shows might each have a sub-folder called cast. And so on.

While it's easy to conceptualize a tree of folders and files, also called a directory tree, there are many different ways to draw it. Here are several ways of depicting the Joss directory tree described above that you will see in this course:

Joss directory tree drawn by hand
A hand drawing for the Joss Whedon's website.
Joss directory tree on a Mac
The folder structure as displayed in Mac by Finder.
Joss directory tree on Windows
The folder structure as displayed in Windows by Windows Explorer.

For example, we can see that buffy.html and willow.html are both files in the same directory, the one called cast, which is, in turn, one of three things in the directory called Buffy, which is in the directory called Joss. Joss contains two directories (Buffy and Angel) and a file called comics.html and so on. Take a minute to be sure you understand the relationships among the directories and files. Notice that there are two files named angel.html; this is okay, because they are in different directories.

Relative URLs

We can use these relationships to form a shorthand way of specifying a URL. This is called a relative URL, because we specify the location of a file relative to a known file. Here are the basic rules:

Exercise 2

Create some additional directories in the public_html folder of your CS account and practice with the relative URLs. Relative URLs will make your lives much easier when you produce different versions and when you deliver your website to your client. Try the equivalent of:


The model above establishes a one-to-one correspondence between a URL and a file (web page) somewhere in the vast Internet. Sometimes, however, you want to address (point to) a particular location within a page. Such locations are called fragments.

While fragments can be used in many ways, one common use is to have a table of contents at the top of a page, allowing readers to skip down to the particular section they are interested in. An example of such a table of contents is at the left side of these notes.

Fragments are addressed by extending the URL by adding a # character and the id attribute of the fragment (the HTML element that refers to the fragment). Thus, we have:

http:// cs.wellesley.edu/ ~cs110/lectures/L03-html/ URLs.html# relative
protocol server.domain path filename fragment id

One key step is marking the destination of the URL, by naming the fragment, just as we name a file or folder. This is done with the id attribute, which can be applied to every HTML tag. We typically add it to the header tag (such as h2) of the section we want to skip to. For example:

<h2 id="relative">Relative URLs</h2>

Given the code above, we can then point to that section from any web page anywhere, using an absolute URL, like the one in the table above. We can also use fragments with relative URLs. For example, to point to that section from another file in the same directory, we can just give the filename and the fragment name: URLs.html#relative. In fact, if we want to point to it from within the same file, we can omit the filename and the relative URL becomes just #relative. You can see examples of that kind of URL in the table of contents on the sidebar.