Specifying Colors in MATLAB

Colors can be specified in three different ways in MATLAB: Here are the eight predefined colors in MATLAB with their names and RGB equivalents:
RGB value MATLAB value Short name Long name
[255 255 0] [1 1 0] y yellow
[255 0 255] [1 0 1] m magenta
[0 255 255] [0 1 1] c cyan
[255 0 0] [1 0 0] r red
[0 255 0] [0 1 0] g green
[0 0 255] [0 0 1] b blue
[255 255 255] [1 1 1] w white
[0 0 0] [0 0 0] k black

How to make up your own colors

A subtle pink? A deep burgundy? A neon chartreuse? You can specify the RGB values and create any color you like. Below is a table of some sample colors:
whitebg([255/255 153/255 255/255]) whitebg([102/255 0/255 51/255])
whitebg([0/255 204/255 55/255]) whitebg([153/255 255/255 0/255])
These color combinations are available here (and many other places, just Google "RGB chart").


Where to use color in MATLAB?

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