It is a matter of Style: Cascading Style Sheets - CSS

We will use an external Cascading Style Sheet (.css) to affect the style of a small web site. In the process we will learn how to link a web page to such a sheet, how to read such a document and how to modify it.

Get started

The link element

We want the page http.html to look like the smtp.html page.

The link tag (inserted into the head of an html document), points to a css document which is responsible for the appearance of the web page. In our case, the css styling document is named protocols_style.css and is located in the same folder as the html documents. Of course, this one styling document, can be used (pointed to, or linked to) to control the style of many different web pages. This is very important, as you can understand, and demonstrates a basic principle in Computer Science, called Code Modularity.

Edit a css document

  1. Open the protocols_style.css file in your text editor. Examine the css code there.

    The first four sets of rules are responsible for setting the appearance of the body, all the headers of level 1 and 2 and all the images.

  2. The next set of rules
     img.maroonBorder {
       padding: 10px;
       margin-right: 20px;
       border-color: #993300;
    defines a class of images, named maroonBorder, with certain characteristics: border color, width, space around it, etc.

    This technique of defining classes of elements is useful when we want to apply certain styling to some -but not all- the elements in a group. For example, we may want to style one or two images in a document, and not all of them. To make this work, you need to:

    1. define the class (like img.maroonBorder{ ... }) in the .css styling document, and
    2. denote the element in the html document to belong to the specific class
      (like img class="maroonBorder" ....)
  3. Define an other class of images. Make the image on the page you are working on belong to that new class. Switch your image from one class to the other. Is it difficult to do so?
  4. Try to take care of the style of the right part in the http.html page.You will need to add some code in the protocols_style.css as well as in the http.html itself.

Layout using css

In this part, we will try to arrange for the 2-column layout you see in the smtp.html page. Can you reverse-engineer the workings of this part? Hint 1: the tag div defines a division or part in an html document.
Hint 2: What does the float rule do? You have seen this before!

Fixing the file structure

It would be better to have the css styling file (protocols_style.css) at the top of your file structure, so that it is easily accessible. Can you move it one level up, right next to the documents level? What other changes would you have to make so that everything is working as before?

If you want to check your work, here are some of my relvant files:

For the html files above, check the sourse code.