Franklyn Turbak (call me "Lyn")
Office: SCI E126 (x3049)
Email: fturbak asperand hillary-clinton-alma-mater dot edu
Office Hours: Mon 4–6pm, Tue 5–7pm, Wed 4:30–6:30pm, Thu 1–2:30pm (Note: I will sometimes need to reschedule office hours to attend talks/meetings.) Appointments can be made for other times.

Lectures: Mon/Wed/Thu 11:10--12:20am. Mon/Thu are in E111; Wed is in SCI 257.

Prereqs: CS230 and (Math 225 or permission of instructor)

Drop-in Tutoring (hours updated 9/23/2012): Announcements, Q&A:

Michael Sipser's
Introduction to the
Theory of Computation

(both 2nd and 3rd
editions are fine)
Dexter Kozen's
Automata and Computability
Alley Stoughton's
Formal Language Theory:
Integrating Experimentation and Proof

Fall 2012 draft