open FunUtils let rec n_fold n f = if n = 0 then id else o f (n_fold (n-1) f) let int2ch = n_fold (* synonym for n_fold *) let ch2int c = c ((+) 1) 0 let succ c = fun f -> o f (c f) let nonce = fun f x -> x (* In the following, eta expansion makes OCAML's types less restrictive *) let once f x = succ nonce f x (* acts like (fun f x -> f x) = n_fold 1 = id *) let twice f x = succ once f x (* acts like (fun f x -> f (f x)) = n_fold 2 *) let thrice f x = succ twice f x (* acts like (fun f x -> f (f (f x))) = n_fold 3 *) let plus c1 c2 = fun f -> o (c1 f) (c2 f) let plus' c1 c2 = ((c1 succ) c2) (* Version of the Y operator from Kevin Milliken/Gopolan Nadathur's notes at: *) type 'a wrap = Wrap of ('a wrap -> 'a) let y = fun f -> (fun (Wrap x) -> f (x (Wrap x))) (Wrap (fun (Wrap x) -> f (fun y -> x (Wrap x) y))) let fact = y (fun f n -> if n == 0 then 1 else n * f(n - 1));; let chTrue = fun x y -> x let chFalse = fun x y -> y let chIf = fun b c a -> b (c()) (a()) (* assumes branches are thunked *) let chPair x y = fun f -> f x y let chFst p = p (fun x y -> x) let chSnd p = p (fun x y -> y) let chNil = fun c n -> n let chCons x xs = fun c n -> c x (xs c n) (* Conceptually, chHd should be easy -- something like let chHd xs = xs (fun x ans -> x) ?? where ?? can be anything. But must go through hoops to satsify the OCAML type checker. The following uses the fact that the infinite loop (y (fun f n -> f n) id) can have any return type in order to allow the folding function to have the right type. *) let chHd xs = (xs (fun x ans -> (fun () -> x)) (fun () -> (y (fun f n -> f n) id))) () let chTl xs = chSnd (xs (fun x p -> chPair (chCons x (chFst p)) (chFst p)) (chPair chNil chNil)) let chIsNull xs = xs (fun x ans -> chFalse) chTrue (************************************************************* In the following definitions, (1) You should *NOT* use any of the following: * n_fold * ch2int * int2ch * recursion (2) Your may use anything else, including: * id * o (composition) * nonce * once * succ *************************************************************) let times c1 c2 = (* Replace this stub *) nonce let expt c1 c2 = (* Replace this stub *) nonce let pred c = (* Replace this stub *) nonce