(*************************************************************** In HOILIC (Higher Order Imperative Language with Implicit Cells), all variables are mutable (as in Java & Scheme) and there is a variable assigment operator (<-). We take the Scheme-like approach of defining BINDREC as syntactic sugar in HOILIC. HOILIC also includes strings and the string operators from PS5 (strlen, strlt, str+, to-string) as well as a string equality operator str=. HOILIC does *not* support the explicit cells of HOILIC, but these are easy to add. ****************************************************************) module Hoilic = struct open Sexp open List open FunUtils open StringUtils exception SyntaxError of string exception Unbound of string list (************************************************************ Abstract Syntax ************************************************************) type var = string type pgm = Pgm of string list * exp (* param names, body *) (* Expressions now have variable assignments *) and exp = Lit of valu (* integer & boolean literals *) | Var of var (* variable reference *) | Assign of var * exp (* ***NEW!*** variable assignment *) | PrimApp of primop * exp list (* primitive application with rator, rands *) | If of exp * exp * exp (* conditional with test, then, else *) | Abs of var * exp (* function abstraction *) | App of exp * exp (* function application *) and valu = Int of int | Bool of bool | Fun of var * exp * valu ref Env.env (* Environments hold implicit cells now *) | Pair of valu * valu | List of valu list | String of string and primop = | Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Rem (* binary arithmetic ops *) | LT | LE | EQ | NE | GE | GT (* binary relational ops *) | And | Or (* binary logical ops ( *not* short-circuit!) *) | Not (* unary logical negation *) | PairFn | Left | Right (* pairs *) | Prepend | Head | Tail | Null | IsNull (* lists *) | IsInt | IsBool | IsFun | IsPair | IsList (* predicates *) | StrLen | StrLT | StrEQ | StrConcat | ToString (* string operations *) (************************************************************ Free Variables ************************************************************) module S = Set.Make(String) (* String Sets *) (* val addElts : S.elt list -> S.t -> S.t *) let addElts strs set = (* add a list of elements to a set *) fold_right S.add strs set (* val listToSet : S.elt list -> S.t *) let listToSet strs = addElts strs S.empty (* val setToList : S.t -> S.elt list *) let setToList set = S.elements set (* val varCheck : pgm -> unit *) let rec varCheck pgm = let unbounds = freeVarsPgm pgm in if S.is_empty unbounds then () (* OK *) else raise (Unbound (S.elements unbounds)) (* val freeVarsPgm : pgm -> S.t *) (* Returns the free variables of a program *) and freeVarsPgm (Pgm(fmls,body)) = S.diff (freeVarsExp body) (listToSet fmls) (* val freeVarsExp : exp -> S.t *) (* Returns the free variables of an expression *) (* direct version *) and freeVarsExp e = match e with Lit i -> S.empty | Var s -> S.singleton s | Assign(s,rhs) -> S.add s (freeVarsExp rhs) | PrimApp(_,rands) -> freeVarsExps rands | If(tst,thn,els) -> freeVarsExps [tst;thn;els] | Abs(fml,body) -> S.diff (freeVarsExp body) (S.singleton fml) | App(rator,rand) -> freeVarsExps [rator;rand] (* val freeVarsExps : exp list -> S.t *) (* Returns the free variables of a list of expressions *) (* direct version *) and freeVarsExps es = fold_right S.union (map freeVarsExp es) S.empty (************************************************************ Substitution does not make sense in HOILIC because meanings of variables can change over time! However, renaming still makes sense. ************************************************************) (* val rename : exp -> var Env.env -> exp *) let rec rename exp env = match exp with Lit i -> exp | Var v -> (match Env.lookup v env with Some v' -> Var v' | None -> exp) | Assign(v,rhs) -> Assign((match Env.lookup v env with Some v' -> v' | None -> v), rename rhs env) | PrimApp(op,rands) -> PrimApp(op, map (flip rename env) rands) | If(tst,thn,els) -> If(rename tst env, rename thn env, rename els env) | Abs(fml,body) -> let fml' = fresh fml in Abs(fml', rename (rename1 fml fml' body) env) | App(rator,rand) -> App(rename rator env, rename rand env) (* val rename1 : var -> var -> exp -> exp *) and rename1 oldname newname exp = rename exp (Env.make [oldname] [newname]) (* val rename_all : string list -> var list -> exp -> exp *) and rename_all oldnames newnames exp = rename exp (Env.make oldnames newnames) (************************************************************ Desugaring (val desugar : sexp -> sexp) ************************************************************) let rec desugar sexp = let sexp' = desugarRules sexp in if sexp' = sexp then (* efficient in OCAML if they're pointer equivalent *) match sexp with (* Special handling for constructs with specially interpreted parens *) Seq [Sym "bindrec"; Seq bindings; body] -> let (names,defns) = ListUtils.unzip (map (fun binding -> match binding with Seq [Sym name; defn] -> (name,defn) | _ -> raise (SyntaxError ("ill-formed bindrec binding"))) bindings) in Seq [Sym "bindrec"; Seq (map2 (fun n d -> Seq [Sym n; desugar d]) names defns); desugar body] | Seq sexps -> Seq (map desugar sexps) | _ -> sexp else desugar sexp' and desugarRules sexp = match sexp with (* Note: the following desugarings for && and || allow non-boolean expressions for second argument! *) Seq [Sym "&&"; x; y] -> Seq [Sym "if"; x; y; Sym "false"] | Seq [Sym "||"; x; y] -> Seq [Sym "if"; x; Sym "true"; y] (* All forms of bind desugar into other HOFL forms *) | Seq [Sym "bind"; Sym name; defn; body] -> Seq [Seq[Sym "abs"; Sym name; body]; defn] (* BINDREC is syntactic sugar in HOILIC *) | Seq [Sym "bindrec"; Seq bindings; body] -> desugarBindrec bindings body | Seq [Sym "bindseq"; Seq[]; body] -> body | Seq [Sym "bindseq"; Seq ((Seq[Sym name;defn])::bindings); body] -> Seq[Sym "bind"; Sym name; defn; Seq[Sym "bindseq"; Seq bindings; body]] (* In Hoilic, *can* handle bindpar as an s-expression desugaring *) | Seq [Sym "bindpar"; Seq bindings; body] -> let (names, defns) = ListUtils.unzip (map (fun binding -> (match binding with Seq[Sym name; defn] -> (name, defn) | _ -> raise (SyntaxError ("ill-formed bindpar binding" ^ (sexpToString binding))))) bindings) in Seq (Seq[Sym "fun"; Seq(map (fun n -> Sym n) names); body] :: defns) (* LET and LET* are synonyms for BINDPAR and BINDSEQ *) | Seq [Sym "let"; bindings; body] -> Seq [Sym "bindpar"; bindings; body] | Seq [Sym "let*"; bindings; body] -> Seq [Sym "bindseq"; bindings; body] (* COND is a Scheme-like multi-branch conditional *) | Seq [Sym "cond"; Seq [Sym "else"; default]] -> default | Seq (Sym "cond" :: Seq [test; body] :: clauses) -> Seq [Sym "if"; test; body; Seq(Sym "cond" :: clauses)] (* Handle Intex arg refs as var refs *) | Seq [Sym "$"; Sexp.Int i] -> Sym ("$" ^ (string_of_int i)) (* Sugar for lists *) | Seq [Sym "list"] -> Seq [Sym "null"] | Seq (Sym "list" :: x :: xs) -> Seq [Sym "prepend"; x; Seq (Sym "list" :: xs)] (* Use the "fun" syntax for multiple argument functions (just curried functions) *) | Seq [Sym "fun"; Seq []; body] -> Seq [Sym "abs"; Sym (fresh "ignore"); body] | Seq [Sym "fun"; Seq [Sym fml]; body] -> Seq [Sym "abs"; Sym fml; body] | Seq [Sym "fun"; Seq (Sym fml :: formals) ; body] -> Seq [Sym "abs"; Sym fml; Seq [Sym "fun"; Seq formals ; body]] (* Desugar (begin E1 ... En) into nested binds. Note that (begin) alone is illegal in Hoilic. *) | Seq [Sym "begin"; sexp] -> sexp | Seq (Sym "begin" :: sexp :: sexps) -> Seq [Sym "bind"; Sym (fresh "ignore"); sexp; Seq (Sym "begin" :: sexps)] (* Desugar multiple argument function calls into nested single-argument calls *) | Seq (sexp1 :: sexp2 :: sexp3 :: rest) when (not (isKeyword sexp1)) -> Seq(Seq[sexp1; sexp2] :: sexp3 :: rest) (* Desugar nullary function call into application to false *) | Seq [sexp1] when (not (isKeyword sexp1)) -> Seq[sexp1; Sym "false"] | _ -> sexp and desugarBindrec bindings body = let (names,defns) = ListUtils.unzip (map (fun binding -> match binding with Seq [Sym name; defn] -> (name,defn) | _ -> raise (SyntaxError ("ill-formed bindrec binding"))) bindings) in desugarBindrec' names defns body and desugarBindrec' names defns body = Seq [Sym "bindpar"; Seq (List.map (fun name -> Seq[Sym name; Sym "false"]) names); Seq (Sym "begin" :: (List.map2 (fun name defn -> Seq[Sym "<-"; Sym name; defn]) names defns) @ [body])] and isSpecial s = List.mem s ["if"; "abs"; "&&"; "||"; "fun"; "bind"; "bindseq"; "bindpar"; "bindrec"; "let"; "let*"; "cond"; "fun"; "<-"] and isKeyword sexp = match sexp with Sym s -> isSpecial s || isPrimop s | _ -> false (************************************************************ Parsing from S-Expressions ************************************************************) (* val sexpToPgm : Sexp.sexp -> pgm *) and sexpToPgm sexp = match sexp with Seq (Sym "hoilic" :: Seq formals :: body :: defs) -> let (defNames,defExps) = ListUtils.unzip (map defToBinding defs) in Pgm(map symToString formals, sexpToExp (desugarBindrec' defNames defExps body)) (* Handle Hoilec programs as well *) | Seq (Sym "hoilec" :: Seq formals :: body :: defs) -> let (defNames,defExps) = ListUtils.unzip (map defToBinding defs) in Pgm(map symToString formals, sexpToExp (desugarBindrec' defNames defExps body)) (* Handle Hofl programs as well *) | Seq (Sym "hofl" :: Seq formals :: body :: defs) -> let (defNames,defExps) = ListUtils.unzip (map defToBinding defs) in Pgm(map symToString formals, sexpToExp (desugarBindrec' defNames defExps body)) (* Handle Ibex programs as well *) | Seq [Sym "ibex"; Seq formals; body] -> Pgm(map symToString formals, sexpToExp body) (* Handle Bindex programs as well *) | Seq [Sym "bindex"; Seq formals; body] -> Pgm(map symToString formals, sexpToExp body) (* Handle Intex programs as well *) | Seq [Sym "intex"; Sexp.Int n; body] -> Pgm(map (fun i -> "$" ^ (string_of_int i)) (ListUtils.range 1 n), sexpToExp body) | _ -> raise (SyntaxError ("invalid Hoilic program: " ^ (sexpToString sexp))) (* val defToBinding: Sexp.sexp -> string * Hoilic.exp *) (* Defs have the form (def I_name I_defn). Defs of the form (def (I_0 I_1 .. I_n) I_body) are treated as sugar for (def I_0 (fun (I_1 .. I_n) I_body)) *) and defToBinding def = match desugarDef def with Seq [Sym "def"; Sym name; defn] -> (name, defn) | _ -> raise (SyntaxError ("ill-formed def: " ^ (sexpToString def))) and desugarDef def = match def with Seq [Sym "def"; Sym name; defn] -> Seq [Sym "def"; Sym name; desugar defn] | Seq [Sym "def"; Seq (Sym name :: formals); body] -> Seq [Sym "def"; Sym name; desugar (Seq [Sym "fun"; Seq formals; body])] | _ -> raise (SyntaxError ("ill-formed def: " ^ (sexpToString def))) (* val symToString : Sexp.sexp -> string *) and symToString sexp = match sexp with Sym s -> s | _ -> raise (SyntaxError ("symToString: not a string -- " ^ (sexpToString sexp))) and sexpToExp sexp = sexpToExp' (desugar sexp) (* val sexpToExp : Sexp.sexp -> exp *) and sexpToExp' sexp = match sexp with Sexp.Int i -> Lit (Int i) | Sym "true" -> Lit (Bool true) (* true and false are keywords *) | Sym "false" -> Lit (Bool false) (* for literals, not variables *) | Sym s -> Var s | Str s -> Lit (String s) | Seq [Sym "<-"; Sym s; rhs] -> Assign(s, sexpToExp' rhs) | Seq [Sym "if"; tst; thn; els] -> If(sexpToExp' tst, sexpToExp' thn, sexpToExp' els) | Seq [Sym "abs"; Sym fml; body] -> Abs(fml, sexpToExp' body) (* This clause must be last! *) | Seq (rator :: rands) -> (match (rator,rands) with (Sym p, _) when isPrimop p -> PrimApp(stringToPrimop p, map sexpToExp' rands) | (_, [rand]) -> App(sexpToExp' rator, sexpToExp' rand) | _ -> raise (SyntaxError ("invalid Hoilic application: " ^ (sexpToString sexp))) ) | _ -> raise (SyntaxError ("invalid Hoilic expression: " ^ (sexpToString sexp))) (* val stringToPrimop : string -> primop *) and stringToPrimop s = match s with | "+" -> Add | "-" -> Sub | "*" -> Mul | "/" -> Div | "%" -> Rem | "<" -> LT | "<=" -> LE | "=" -> EQ | "!=" -> NE | ">=" -> GE | ">" -> GT | "and" -> And (* non-short-circuit *) | "or" -> Or (* non-short-circuit *) | "!" -> Not | "pair" -> PairFn | "left" -> Left | "right" -> Right | "prepend" -> Prepend | "head" -> Head | "tail" -> Tail | "null" -> Null | "null?" -> IsNull | "int?" -> IsInt | "bool?" -> IsBool | "fun?" -> IsFun | "pair?" -> IsPair | "list?" -> IsList | "strlen" -> StrLen | "strlt" -> StrLT | "str=" -> StrEQ | "str+" -> StrConcat | "to-string" -> ToString | _ -> raise (SyntaxError ("invalid Hoilic primop: " ^ s)) and isPrimop s = try let _ = stringToPrimop s in true with SyntaxError _ -> false (* val stringToExp : string -> exp *) and stringToExp s = sexpToExp (stringToSexp s) (* Desugar when possible *) (* val stringToPgm : string -> pgm *) and stringToPgm s = sexpToPgm (stringToSexp s) (************************************************************ Unparsing to S-Expressions ************************************************************) (* val pgmToSexp : pgm -> Sexp.sexp *) and pgmToSexp p = match p with Pgm (fmls, e) -> Seq [Sym "hofl"; Seq(map (fun s -> Sym s) fmls); expToSexp e] (* val expToSexp : exp -> Sexp.sexp *) and expToSexp e = match e with Lit v -> valuToSexp v | Var s -> Sym s | Assign(s,rhs) -> Seq [Sym "<-"; Sym s; expToSexp rhs] | PrimApp (rator, rands) -> Seq (Sym (primopToString rator) :: map expToSexp rands) | If(tst,thn,els) -> Seq [Sym "if"; expToSexp tst; expToSexp thn; expToSexp els] | Abs(fml,body) -> Seq [Sym "abs"; Sym fml; expToSexp body] | App(rator,rand) -> Seq [expToSexp rator; expToSexp rand] (* val primopToString : primop -> string *) and primopToString p = match p with | Add -> "+" | Sub -> "-" | Mul -> "*" | Div -> "/" | Rem -> "%" | LT -> "<" | LE -> "<=" | EQ -> "=" | NE -> "!=" | GE -> ">=" | GT -> ">" | Not -> "!" | And -> "and" | Or -> "or" | PairFn -> "pair" | Left -> "left" | Right -> "right" | Prepend -> "prepend" | Head -> "head" | Tail -> "tail" | Null -> "null" | IsNull -> "null?" | IsInt -> "int?" | IsBool -> "bool?" | IsFun -> "fun?" | IsPair -> "pair?" | IsList -> "list?" | StrLen -> "strlen" | StrLT -> "strlt" | StrEQ -> "str=" | StrConcat -> "str+" | ToString -> "to-string" (* val valuToSexp : valu -> sexp *) and valuToSexp valu = match valu with Int i -> Sexp.Int i | Bool b -> Sym (if b then "true" else "false") | Fun _ -> Sym "" | Pair(l,r) -> Seq [Sym "pair"; valuToSexp l; valuToSexp r] | List xs -> Seq (Sym "list" :: (map valuToSexp xs)) | String s -> Str s (* val valuToString : valu -> string *) and valuToString valu = match valu with Int i -> string_of_int i | Bool b -> string_of_bool b | Fun _ -> "" | Pair(l,r) -> "<" ^ (valuToString l) ^ "," ^ (valuToString r) ^ ">" | List xs -> "{" ^ (String.concat "," (map valuToString xs)) ^ "}" | String s -> "\"" ^ (String.escaped s) ^ "\"" (* val expToString : exp -> string *) and expToString s = sexpToString (expToSexp s) (* val pgmToString : pgm -> string *) and pgmToString s = sexpToString (pgmToSexp s) end