Randy Shull (rshull@wellesley.edu)
Based on JavaScript calendar program by Mark A. Sheldon (msheldon@wellesley.edu)
Computer Science 310, Fall 2016
Last Modified: August 15, 2016
Page Expires: May 31, 2016
Computer Science 310
Fundations of Cryptography
Fall 2016
Welcome to CS310
When is a cryptographic system secure and how will we ever know? This course introduces the computational models and theory computer scientists use to address these issues. Topics include one-way functions, trapdoor functions, probabilistic complexity classes, pseudorandom generators, interactive proof systems, zero-knowledge proofs, and the application of these theories to modern cryptology.
Prerequisite: CS231 or CS235 or permission of the instructor
Distribution: Mathematical modeling
Semester: Fall, Unit: 1.00
There is one textbook in this course from which I will assign readings:
Introduction to Modern Cryptography, by
Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell. We will be using the second edition this semester. Copies are available in the bookstore.
Course Conference
The course
conference will contain announcements and changes to the
schedule. Please check this conference before each class and especially
before an assign is due. In addition, the conference will contain a section
for students ask and answer questions among themselves concerning
course material and assignments. You may discuss the homework in general
terms, suggest where to go in the text or lecture notes to help someone get
started, or you may help clarify an ambiguous question. However, please do
not post your solutions either complete or partial. I will check the
conference regularly to help with any unanswered questions.
Course Materials
Course materials for each class will be handed out
at the beginning of each lecture. Copies are available in .pdf format using
the links on this page.
Randy Shull (rshull@wellesley.edu)
Based on JavaScript calendar program by Mark A. Sheldon (msheldon@wellesley.edu)
Computer Science 310, Fall 2016
Last Modified: August 15, 2016
Page Expires: May 31, 2016