CS 332

Course Topics

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The computational approach to the study of vision; multiple levels of understanding of vision systems; the representational structure of visual processing; the importance of an interdisciplinary study that combines the perspectives of computer science, psychology, and neuroscience; overview of course topics.

Edge detection in computer vision systems and early visual processing in biological systems
Image filtering; detecting and representing image intensity changes; analyzing images at multiple spatial scales; overview of the anatomy and physiology of the early stages of the human visual pathway; the perception of intensity changes; spatial frequency channels; relating empirical observations to computational models.

Computational models of stereo vision and human stereopsis
The geometry of stereo projection; the stereo correspondence problem; stereo correspondence algorithms; properties of human stereo vision, including stereo acuity, the role of multiple spatial channels and vergence eye movements; physiological studies of stereo processing; applications of computer stereo systems.

Image formation and shape from shading
The physics of image formation; 3-D surface representations; algorithms for recovering 3-D shape from image shading; the perception of shape from shading.

Computational models of motion measurement and motion detection in biological vision systems
Models for motion detection; computing an image velocity field; motion correspondence; the detection of motion boundaries; motion illusions; physiological studies of motion-sensitive neurons; applications of motion tracking systems.

Recovery of 3-D structure from motion
The 2-D projection of moving 3-D objects; the rigidity constraint; algorithms for recovering 3-D structure from motion; the perception of 3-D structure from motion.

Observer motion recovery
Models for recovering the direction of an observer's motion from visual information; the perception of heading; visually guided navigation; physiological studies of observer motion; autonomous navigation systems.

The analysis of color
Image formation; models of the recovery of surface reflectance and illumination; Land's Retinex theory; the perception of color.

Visual recognition
Representations of 3-D objects; models of object recognition; perceptual and physiological studies of recognition; face recognition; content-based image retrieval; applications of object and face recognition.