Binocular Stereo Vision

These two videos introduce binocular stereo vision, which uses the different perspectives provided by the left and right eyes to compute the three-dimensional structure of a scene. The first video describes the geometry of projecting a 3D scene onto the left and right eyes or cameras, introduces the concept of stereo disparity and how it can be used to compute depth, and provides an overview of the stereo process. The second video elaborates on the most challenging step of this process, the stereo correspondence problem, and describes some strategies for solving this problem in a computer vision system.


The following links take you to the videos on YouTube:

The video files are also stored in our shared folder on Google Drive, named stereo_overview.mp4 (423 MB) and
stereo_correspondence.mp4 (660 MB).

Video Transcripts

The following pdf files provide transcripts of the videos:

The above pdf files are also stored in the shared folder on Google Drive.


The following pdf files provide the slides presented in the videos:

The above pdf files are also stored in the shared folder on Google Drive.