Franklyn Turbak (call me "Lyn") Office: SCI E126 (x3049) Web: Office Hours: Wed 4–6pm, Thu 11–2:30pm, Fri 11–2:30pm (Note: I will sometimes need to reschedule office hours to attend talks/meetings.) |
Lectures: Tue/Fri 9:50--11am in SCI 264 SCI 220
Labs: You need to attend one of the following weekly labs:
- Mon 6-7pm in 160a
- Tue 11:10-12:20pm in 257
- Wed 7-8pm in 160a
Labs will be about one hour long and cover tools/skills needed for many exploits
(C programming, assembly, networking).
FirstClass: CS342-01-F10
Prereqs: CS230, CS240, and a burning desire to learn about computer security.
(If you haven't taken CS240, talk to me.)