Franklyn Turbak (call me "Lyn") Office: SCI E126 (x3049) Email: fturbak asperand hillary-clinton-alma-mater dot edu Web: Office Hours: Mon 4–6pm, Tue 5–7pm, Wed 4:30–6:30pm, Thu 1–2:30pm (Note: I will sometimes need to reschedule office hours to attend talks/meetings.) Appointments can be made for other times. |
Lectures: Tue/Fri 1:30--2:40pm in SCI 261. Please bring a laptop to lecture if you have one, since we will often do hands-on exercises in class.
Labs: You need to attend one of the following two weekly labs (both held in SCI 160a):
- Wed 9:50-11am
- Wed 2:15-3:25pm
- a burning desire to learn about computer security;
- a willingness to learn a lot of new conceptsa and systems independently and with your peers;
- a can-do, never-give-up attitude;
- the ability to participate in the MIT Lincoln Labs/CSAIL Capture the Flag Contest on Sat/Sun Nov 3--4
(Required) Jon Erickson Hacking: The Art of Exploitation (2nd edition, 2008) |
(Optional) Sean Smith and Jon Marchesini The Craft of System Security |
There are many other helpful books. papers, and online resources that you should consult.
See the schedule and resources pages.