00:13:18 Orit Shaer: CBC News: https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbc.ca%2Fnews%2Fcanada%2Fsaskatoon%2Fu-of-s-research-finds-video-games-can-relieve-stress-improve-mental-health-1.5563824&data=02%7C01%7CAndrew.Kun%40unh.edu%7C454c04917d364d6374ae08d7f78486b2%7Cd6241893512d46dc8d2bbe47e25f5666%7C0%7C0%7C637250020880896113&sdata=rbKxGnAcqcDQMXgC5fravSBFyEx9BvpVV4tbx%2FS6vgM%3D&reserved=0 00:16:14 Orit Shaer: Please share your questions here 00:18:15 Diana Tosca: Does "in-game" friendship refer to actual humans, or can this apply to NPCs as well?? 00:23:34 Divya Bharathi: I have seen some teens got addicted to some games. How do we overcome addiction to games?? 00:25:22 Heiko Müller: Do gaming friendships form faster or are more reliable/dependable than other friendships formed in social networks? 00:30:50 Aishwary Khobragade: How in your opinion can we incorporate gaming in online education to improve communication and interest between teacher-students and students-students? I'm sorry, I'm low on bandwidth so can't ask question in person through voice/video. 00:31:12 Shadan Sadeghian: VR is now used for stress relief because it gives the sense of escaping the real life routines through immersion and sense of presence, could you elaborate more what factors do you vary for mastery of stress control? 00:32:32 chloe eghtebas: What do you think about discretizing and defining games through game elements? Do you think individual game elements can be used to map out psychological affordances (e.g. motivation) to be applied to nongame contexts (whatever a nongame context might mean)? To what extend is the games industry already ahead of academic field in this mapping (e.g. mobile games)? 00:38:14 Peter Mawhorter: (I love the term black-hat gamification :) 00:38:25 chloe eghtebas: :) 00:42:23 Orit Shaer: https://books.google.com/books/about/Moral_Combat.html?id=EaD_DQAAQBAJ