00:18:11 Orit Shaer: Feel free to type your questions here: 00:27:42 Orit Shaer: Questions? Type them here: 00:36:57 Jennifer Otiono: What would motivate industries to diverse their historical datasets? 00:39:30 Shadan Sadeghian: going back to the AI superpowers, how do you see the collaboration of AI in the future of work? An augmentation to human or rather as a separate being? 00:40:22 Shadan Sadeghian: ( we can postpone my question to later not to interrupt the discussion on datasets :) ) 00:44:34 Nadia Fereydooni: How do you think the belief that AI is a solution to all problems, should be broken, to prevent problems such as over trust 00:45:09 christinaobolenskaya: What type of role do you think social scientists can play in studying AI/future of work? How would you recommend a fresh graduate to get into this topic, but coming from a social scientist background (not traditional CS background)? Thank you in advance for your time! 00:48:10 christinaobolenskaya: Yes!