00:19:59 Diana Tosca: I know that sex education varies by state, even district or school. 00:20:03 Diana Tosca: In the US 00:25:14 Andrew Kun: Questions? Please type them here. 00:26:49 Diana Tosca: https://www.smunson.com/portfolio/projects/Liang-HCIRwithMarginalizedPeople-Preprint.pdf 00:28:17 Diana Tosca: How can we as researchers keep from treating marginalized people as a monolith? Because, obviously, different types of users have different needs and I feel that we tend to lump certain communities together 00:32:54 Andrew Kun: Questions? Please type them here. 00:40:22 Smriti jha: When dealing with studies on sensitive areas like LGBTQ, suicide etc. what measures should researchers take for the safety/privacy of participants? 00:47:05 Calvin Liang: https://sites.google.com/site/natalyadell/home/intersectionality