

B. Ullmer, O. Shaer, A. Mazalek, C. Hummels, Weaving Fire into Form: Aspirations for Tangible and Embodied Interaction, ACM Books, Morgan Claypool (2022).

Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed):

Y, Xing, L.N Boyle, R. Sadun, J.D Lee, O. Shaer, A. Kun. (2023). Perceptions related to engaging in non-driving activities in an automated vehicle while commuting: a text mining approach. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behavior, Volume 94.

N. Al Nahin Ch, A. Ansah, A. Katrahmani, J. Burmeister, A.L. Kun, C. Mills, O. Shaer, J.D. Lee. (2023). Virtual nature experiences and mindfulness practices while working from home during COVID-19: Effects on stress, focus, and creativity, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Volume 171.

Shaer, O., Otiono, J., Qian, Z., Seals, A., and Nov, O. Remote Evaluation of Augmented Reality Interaction with Personal Health Information. Frontiers in Computer Science, August 2022. Sec. Human-Media Interaction.

Teodorovicz, T.,Kun, A.L, Sadun, R., and Shaer, O. (2022) “Multitasking While Driving: A Time Use Study of Commuting Knowledge Workers to Assess Current and Future Uses.” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 162. Preprint.

Teodorovicz, T., Sadun,R., Kun, A.L., and Shaer, O. (2021). How does working from home during COVID-19 affect what managers do? Evidence from time-Use studies, Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/07370024.2021.1987908, Preprint.

Seals, A., Olaosebikan, M., Otiono, J., Shaer, O., & Nov, O. (2021).Effects of Self-Focused Augmented Reality on Health Perceptions During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Between-Subject Web-Based Experiment . Journal of medical Internet research, 10.2196/26963. Advance online publication.

M.K. Konkel, B. Ullmer, O. Shaer, A. Mazalek, C. Branton. 2020. Toward tangibles and display-rich interfaces for co-located and distributed genomics collaborations, Pers Ubiquit Comput,

A. Strawhacker, C. Verish, O. Shaer & M.U. Bers. 2020. Young Children’s Learning of Bioengineering with CRISPEE: A Developmentally Appropriate Tangible User Interface Journal of Science Education and Technology, 1-21.

B. G. Tzovaras, M. Angrist, K. Arvai, M. Dulaney, V. Estrada-Galinanes, B. Gunderson,T. Head, D. Lewis, O. Nov, O. Shaer, A. Tzovara, J. Bobe, M. P. Ball, 2019. Open Humans: A platform for participant-centered research and personal data exploration, GigaScience.

J. Otiono, M. Olaosebikan, O. Shaer, O. Nov, and M. Ball. 2019. Understanding Users Information Needs and Collaborative Sensemaking of Microbiome Data. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 3, CSCW.

A. Girouard, O. Shaer, E. Solovey, M. Poor, R.J.K Jacob, The Reality of Reality-Based Interaction: Understanding the Impact of a Framework as a Research Tool, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 2019.

T. Muender, S.A. Gulani, L. Westendorf, C. Verish, R. Malaka, O. Shaer, S. Cooper, Comparison of Mouse and Multi-Touch for Protein Structure Manipulation in a Citizen Science Game Interface, Journal of Science Communication, 18 (1), 2019.

L. Westendorf, O. Shaer, C. Pollalis, C. Verish, O. Nov, M. Ball. Exploring Genetic Data Across Individuals Using Novel Comparative Report Tools, J Med Internet Res 2018; 20(9): e10297.

A. Strawhacker, A. Sullivan, C. Verish, M. Bers, O. Shaer. Enhancing Children's Interest and Knowledge in Bioengineering Through an Interactive Videogame. JITE:IIP 2018; 17.

L. Westendorf, O. Shaer, P. Varsanyi, H. van der Meulen, and A.L. Kun. 2017. Understanding Collaborative Decision Making Around a Large-Scale Interactive Tabletop. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 1, CSCW, Article 110 (December 2017), 21 pages. DOI:

O. Shaer, O. Nov, L. Westendorf, M. Ball, Communicating Personal Genomic Information to Non-Experts: A New Frontier for Human-Computer Interaction, Journal of Foundations and Trends in HCI 11 (1) 1-62.

M. Balestra, O. Shaer, J. Okerlund, L. Westendorf, M. Ball, O. Nov, Social Annotation Valence: The Impact on Online Informed Consent Beliefs and Behavior, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(7):e197, 2016.

O. Shaer, O. Nov, J. Okerlund, M. Balestra, L. Stowell, L. Ascher, J. Bi, C. Schlenker, M. Ball, Informing the Design of Direct-to-Consumer Interactive Personal Genomics Reports, Journal of Medical Internet Research, doi:10.2196/jmir.4415, 2015.

O. Shaer, C. Valdes, S. Liu, K. Lu, K. Chang, W. Xu, T. L. Haddock, S. Bhatia, D. Densmore, R. Kincaid, Designing Reality-Based Interfaces for Experiential Bio-Design, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, November 2013.

O. Shaer, M. Strait, C. Valdes, H. Wang, T. Feng, M. Lintz, M. Ferreirae, C. Grote, K. Tempel, S. Liu, The Design, Development, and Deployment of a Tabletop Interface for Collaborative Exploration of Genomic Data, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2012.

O.Shaer and E. Hornecker, Tangible User Interfaces: Past, Present, and Future Directions, Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 3, Issue 1-2, April 2010.

O. Shaer and R.J.K. Jacob, A Specification Paradigm for the Design and Implementation of Tangible User Interfaces, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 16, No. 4, November 2009.

O.Shaer, M.S. Horn, R.J.K. Jacob, Tangible User Interface Laboratory: Teaching Tangible Interaction Design in Practice, AIEDAM Special Issue on Tangible Interaction for Design, Spring 2009.

O. Shaer, N. Leland, E.H Calvillo and R.J.K. Jacob, The TAC Paradigm: Specifying Tangible User Interfaces, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 359-369, Sept. 2004.

Invited Articles:

O. Shaer, A. Cooper. 2024.  Integrating Generative Artificial Intelligence to a Project Based Tangible Interaction Course, in IEEE Pervasive Computing (in print)

A. Kun and O. Shaer, Designing an Inclusive and Engaging Hybrid Event: Experiences from CHIWORK in IEEE Pervasive Computing (in print). 2023.

A. Kun, O. Shaer and S. Iqbal, The Future of Work: COVID-19 and Beyond in IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 20, no. 04, pp. 7-8, 2021.

O. Shaer, D. Tosca, Teaching Tangible Interaction Remotely During COVID-19: Transcending Physical Boundaries, in IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 20, no. 02, pp. 49-53, 2021.

Andrew L. Kun, Raffaella Sadun, Orit Shaer, and Thomaz Teodorovicz, Where Did the Commute Time Go? Harvard Business Review, December 2020.

A. Girouard, A. Kun, A. Roudout, O. Shaer, Pervasive Computing Education, IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 17 Issue No. 04. 2018.

O. Shaer, E. Peck, Teaching Pervasive Computing in Liberal Arts Colleges, IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 17 Issue No. 03. 2018.

A. Kun, O. Shaer, A. Schmidt, S. Boll, Ubicomp without Borders: International Experiences in Pervasive Computing IEEE Pervasive Computing 2017 vol. 16 Issue No. 04 - October-December.

O. Shaer, O. Nov, HCI for Personal Genomics: Understanding, Informing and Empowering Non-Experts, Interactions, September-October 2014.

O. Shaer, A. Millner, C. Hummles, Trajectories in TEI: Reflecting on the Evolution of Ideas Innovators and Interactions , Interactions, November-December 2012.

R.J.K. Jacob, A. Girouard, L.M. Hirshfield, M. Horn, O. Shaer, E.T. Solovey, and J. Zigelbaum, What Is the Next Generation of Human-Computer Interaction?, Interactions, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 53-58, May 2007.

Long Conference Papers (Peer Reviewed):

O.Shaer, A. Cooper, O. Mokryn, A.L. Kun, H. Ben-Shoshan. 2024. AI-Augmented Brainwriting: Investigating the use of LLMs in group ideation, Conditionally Accepted to CHI 2024.

T. Goel, O. Shaer, Q. Gu,C. Delcourt, Angel Cooper. 2023. Preparing Future Designers for Human-AI Collaboration in Persona Creation, In 2023 CHIWork Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work, Oldenburg, Germany.

A. Ansah, Y. Xing, A. Varshini Kamaraj, D. Tosca, L. Boyle, S. Iqbal, A.L. Kun, J.D. Lee, M. Pahud, and O. Shaer. 2022. “I need to respond to this” – Contributions to group creativity in remote meetings with distractions. In 2022 Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work (CHIWORK 2022). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 7, 1–12. (Honorable Mention)

Al Nahin Ch, N. Tosca, D., Crump, T., Ansah, A., Kun, A.L., Shaer, O. 2022. Gesture and Voice Commands to Interact with AR Windshield Display in Automated Vehicle: A Remote Elicitation Study. In AutomotiveUI 2022.

Olaosebikan, M. Aranda Barrios, C., Kolawole, B., Cowen, L., and Shaer, O., 2022. Identifying Cognitive and Creative Support Needs for Remote Scientific Collaboration using VR: Practices, Affordances , and Design Implications. In Creativity and Cognition '22, June 20–23, 2022, Venice, Italy. ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Alberta Ansah, Yilun Xing, Amudha Varshini Kamaraj, Diana Tosca, Linda Boyle, Shamsi Iqbal, Andrew L Kun, John D Lee, Michel Pahud and Orit Shaer. “I need to respond to this” – Contributions to group creativity in remote meetings with distractions CHIWork Annual Meeting, 2022.

L. Orii, D. Tosca, A L. Kun, O. Shaer, Perceptions of Trucking Automation: Insights from the r/Truckers Community. AutomotiveUI 2021.

D. Nagaraju, A. Ansah, N. Al Nahin Ch, C. Mills, C. P. Janssen, O. Shaer, A L Kun, How Will Drivers Take Back Control in Automated Vehicles? A Driving Simulator Test of an Interleaving Framework. AutomotiveUI 2021.

M.K. Konkel, B. Ullmer, O. Shaer, and A. Mazalek. 2019. Envisioning tangibles and display-rich interfaces for co-located and distributed genomics collaborations. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA.

N. Ramkumar, N. Fereydooni, O. Shaer, A. Kun, Visual Behavior During Engagement with Tangible and Virtual Representations of Archeological Artifacts, ACM Symposium on Pervasive Displays, 2019.

C. Pollalis, E. J. Minor, L. Westendorf, W. Fahnbulleh, I. Virgilio, A. L. Kun, and O. Shaer, Evaluating Learning with Tangible and Virtual Representations of Archaeological Artifacts. Proc. TEI 2018 Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interation (Acceptance Rate 28%).

O. Shaer, L. Westendorf, N.A. Knouf, and C. Pederson, Understanding Gaming Perceptions and Experiences in a Women’s College Community. Proc. CHI 2017 (Acceptance Rate 23%)

A. Loparev, L. Westendorf, J. Cho, M. Flemings, A. Scholze, R. Littrell, O. Shaer. BacPack: Exploring the Role of Tangibles in a Museum Exhibit for Bio-Design. Proc. TEI 2017 Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interation (Acceptance Rate 27%). 

O. Shaer, O. Nov, J. Okerlund, M. Balestra, E. Stowell, L. Westendorf, C. Pollalis, L. Westort, J. Davis, M. Ball. GenomiX: A Novel Interaction Tool for Self-Exploration of Personal Genomic Data, Proc. CHI 2016 (Acceptance Rate 23%). 

M. Balestra, O. Shaer, J. Okerlund, M. Ball, O. Nov. The Effect of Exposure to Social Annotation on Online Informed Consent Beliefs and Behavior. Proc. CSCW 2016 (Acceptance Rate 25%).

J. Okerlund, E. Segreto, C. Grote, L. Westendorf, A. Scholze, R. Litrell, O. Shaer. SynFlo: A Tangible Museum Exhibit for Exploring Bio-Design. Proc. TEI 2016 Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interation (Acceptance Rate 27%). 

E.T. Solovey, J. Okerlund, C. Hoef, J. Davis, O. Shaer. Augmenting Spatial Skills with Semi-Immersive Interactive Desktop Displays: Do Immersion Cues Matter? Proc. Augmented Human. 2015 (Acceptance Rate 28%).

C. Grote, E. Segreto, J. Okerlund, R. Kincaid, O.Shaer, Eugenie: Multi-Touch and Tangible Interaction for Bio-Design. ACM TEI 2015 (Acceptance Rate 28%).

C. Valdes, D. Eastman, C. Grote, S. Thatte, O. Shaer, A. Mazalek, B. Ullmer, M. Konkel. Exploring the Design Space of Gestural Interaction with Active Tokens through User-Defined Gestures. ACM CHI 2014 (Acceptance Rate 23%). Best Paper Award Honorable Mention [Awarded to top 5%].

O. Shaer, C. Valdes, S. Liu, K. Lu, T. L. Haddock, S. Bhatia, D. Densmore, R. Kincaid, MoClo Planner: Interactive Visualization for Modular Cloning Bio-Design , IEEE BioVis 2013 (Acceptance Rate 40%).

O. Shaer, A. Mazalek, B. Ullmer, M. Konkell, From Big Data to Insights: Opportunities and Challenges for TEI in Genomics, ACM SIGCHI TEI 2013 Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (Acceptance Rate 31%).

C. Valdes, M. Ferreirae, T. Feng, H., Wang, K. Tempel, S. Liu, O.Shaer, A Collaborative Environment for Engaging Novices in Scientific Inquiry , ACM ITS 2012 Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (Acceptance rate 29%).

B. Schneider, M. Strait, L. Muller, S. Elfenbein, O.Shaer, C. Shen, Phylo-Genie: Engaging Students in Collaborative ‘Tree-Thinking’ through Tabletop Techniques , ACM CHI 2012 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference (Acceptance rate 23%).

O. Shaer, M. Strait, C. Valdes, T. Feng, M. Lintz and H. Wang, Enhancing Genomic Learning through Tabletop Interaction, Proc. ACM CHI 2011 (Acceptance rate 26%).

O. Shaer, J. Olson, M. Edwards, C. Valdes, Art App-reciation: Fostering Engagement and Reflection in Museums through a Social-Mobile Application, Museums and the Web 2011, April 2011.

O. Shaer, G. Kol, M. Strait, C. Fan, C. Grevet and S. Elfenbein, G-nome Surfer: a Tabletop User Interface for Collaborative Exploration of Genomic Data, Proc. ACM CHI 2010 (Acceptance rate 22%) .

R.J.K. Jacob, A. Girouard, L.M. Hirshfield, M.S. Horn, O. Shaer, E.S. Treacy, and J. Zigelbaum, Reality-Based Interaction: A Framework for Post-WIMP Interfaces, Proc. ACM CHI 2008 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference, ACM Press, 2008 (Acceptance rate 23%) .

J. Zigelbaum, M. Horn, O. Shaer, and R.J.K. Jacob, The Tangible Video Editor: Collaborative Video Editing with Active Tokens, Proc. TEI 2007 First International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction, 2007.

Extended Conference Abstracts (Peer Reviewed):

Monsurat Olaosebikan, Claudia Aranda Barrios, Lenore Cowen, and Orit Shaer. 2022. Embodied Notes: A Cognitive Support Tool For Remote Scientific Collaboration in VR. (CHI 2022 Late-Breaking Work)

Lisa Orii, Diana Tosca, Andrew L. Kun, Orit Shaer (2021), Perceptions on the Future of Automation in r/Truckers, In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (CHI EA '21).

C. Verish, A. Strawhacker, M. Bers, O. Shaer, BacToMars: A Collaborative Video Game for Bio Design. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CLCS), 2019.

C. Pollalis, C. Grevet, L. Westendorf, S. Finn, O. Shaer, and P. Metaxas. 2018. Classroom Activity for Critical Analysis of News Propagation Online. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '18). ACM.

C. Verish, A. Strawhacker, M. Bers, O. Shaer. CRISPEE: A Tangible Gene Editing Platform for Early Childhood. Proc. TEI 2018 Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction.

M. Flemmings, S. Kazmi, R. Pak, O. Shaer. Crimson Wave: Shedding Light on Menstrual Health. TEI 2018.

C. Pollalis, W. Fahnbulleh, J. Tynes, O. Shaer, HoloMuse: Enhancing engagement with Archaeological Artifacts through Gesture-Based Interaction with Holograms. TEI '17.

H. van der Meulen, A.L. Kun, O. Shaer. 2017. What Are We Missing?: Adding Eye-Tracking to the HoloLens to Improve Gaze Estimation Accuracy. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 396-400. DOI:

A. Loparev, L. Westendorf, A. Sullivan, C. Verish, L. Westendorf, J. Davis, M. Flemmings, M. Bers, O. Shaer. BacToMars: Creative Engagement with Bio-Design for Children. Proc. IDC 2017 Interaction Design and Children.

A. Loparev, L. Westendorf, A. Sullivan, C. Verish, L. Westendorf, J. Davis, M. Flemmings, M. Bers, O. Shaer. BacToMars: A Collaborative Educational Video Game for Teaching Biological Engineering. Proc. FDG 2017 Foundations of Digital Interactive Games.

H. van der Meulen, P. Varsanyi , L. Westendorf, A.L. Kun, O. Shaer, Towards understanding collaboration around interactive surfaces: Exploring joint visual attention, Work in Progress, ACM UIST 2016.

V. Lin and O. Shaer, Beyond the Lab: Using Technology Toys to Engage South African Youth in Computational Thinking, Case Study, ACM CHI 2016.

G. Hu, O. Shaer, L. Chen, J. Okerlund, Exploring the Use of Google Glass in Wet Laboratories, Extended Abstract, ACM CHI 2015.

G. Chuang, S. Wang, S. Burns, O. Shaer, EmotiSphere: From Emotion to Music , Work in Progress ACM TEI 2015.

C. Grote, E. Segreto, J. Okerlund, R. Kincaid, O. Shaer, Eugenie: Gestural and Tangible Interaction with Active Tokens for Bio-Design, Extended Abstract, ACM UIST 2014.

C. Hoef, J. Davis, E. Solovey, O. Shaer, An In-Depth Look at the Benefits of Immersion Cues on Spatial 3D Problem Solving, Extended Abstract, ACM Spatial User Interfaces 2014.

O. Shaer, O. Nov, Treemap Visualization of Personal Genomic Reports, Work in Progress abstract, Biovis 2014.

I. Kwok, C. Lee, J. Okerlund, Q. Zhu, O. Shaer. musicAir: Creating Music Through Movement, Work in Progress abstract, ACM SIGCHI TEI 2014 Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction.

O. Shaer, O. Nov, A. West, D. Eastman. Understanding Information Practices of Interactive Personal Genomics Users. Extended Abstract, ACM CHI 2014.

W. Xu, K. Chang, N.Francisco, C. Valdes, R. Kincaid, O.Shaer, From Wet Lab Bench to Tangible Virtual Experiment: SynFlo , Extended abstract, ACM SIGCHI TEI 2013 Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction.

S.Liu, K. Lu, N. Seifeselassie, C. Grote, N. Francisco, V. Lin, L. Ding, C. Valdes, R. Kincaid, O. Shaer, MoClo Planner: Supporting Innovation in Bio-Design through Multitouch Interaction , Demo abstract, ACM ITS 2012 Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces.

K. Chang, W. Xu, N.Francisco, C. Valdes, R. Kincaid, O.Shaer, SynFlo: An Interactive lnstallation Introducing Synthetic Biology Concepts , Demo abstract, ACM ITS 2012 Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces.

O. Shaer, M. Strait, C. Valdes, T. Feng, M. Lintz and H. Wang, G-nome Surfer: a Tabletop Interface for Collaborative Exploration of Genomic Visualization, BioVis IEEE symposium on biological data visualization, October 2011.

D. Garrahan, O. Shaer, A. Piplica, K. Gold, Leveraging Gesture and Voice Data to Improve Group Brainstorming, Extended Abstracts of CHI 2010.

O. Shaer, R.J.K Jacob, M. Green, K. Luyten User Interface Description Languages for Next Generation User Interfaces, ACM CHI 2008, workshop abstract, 2008.

A. Bean, S. Siddiqi, A. Chowdhury, B. Whited, O. Shaer, and R.J.K. Jacob, Marble Track Audio Manipulator: A Tangible User Interface for Music Composition, Proc. TEI 2008 International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction, 2008.

R.J.K. Jacob, A. Girouard, L.M. Hirshfield, M.S. Horn, O. Shaer, E.T. Solovey, and J. Zigelbaum, Reality-Based Interaction: Unifying the New Generation of Interaction Styles, ACM CHI 2007 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference, ACM Press, Work in Progress paper, 2007.

A. Girouard, E.T. Solovey, L. Hirshfield, S. Ecott, O. Shaer, and R.J.K. Jacob, Smart Blocks: A Tangible Mathematical Manipulative, Proc. TEI 2007 First International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction, 2007.,

O. Shaer and R.J.K. Jacob, A Visual Language for Programming Reality-Based Interaction, IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, Graduate Student Consortium, 2006.

O. Shaer, A Framework for Building Reality-Based Interfaces for Wireless-Grid Applications, ACM CHI 2005, Doctoral Consortium, 2005.

O. Shaer, B. Ziraknejad, K. Camarata, E. Yi-Luen Do, M.D Gross, A Computationally Enhanced Play Board for Group Interaction, a Hot Spot paper, Pervasive 2004, April 2004, Vienna.

Workshop Papers (Peer Reviewed):

Orit Shaer,Angelora Cooper, Osnat Mokryn, Andrew Kun. 2024. Toward Enhancing Ideation through Collaborative Group-AI Brainwriting, in ACM IUI Workshop on Human-AI Co-Creation with Generative Models.

Quan Gu, Yiduo Wang, Xiaoxiao Hu,Orit Shaer. 2024. Exploring the Impact of Human-AI Collaboration on College Students' Tangible Creation: Building Poetic Scenes with LEGO Bricks, in ACM IUI Workshop on Human-AI Co-Creation with Generative Models.

Nabil CH and Alberta A. Ansah, Atefeh Katrahmani, Julia Burmeister, Andrew L. Kun, Caitlin Mills, Orit Shaer, and John Lee, Conducting a Remote Virtual Reality Experiment during COVID-19. ACM CHI’21 Remote XR Studies: Exploring Three Key Challenges of Remote XR Experimentation.

J. Otiono, Z. Qian, O. Shaer, O. Nov. Lessons From Remote At-home Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Applictaion , Workshop on Evaluating User Experiences in Mixed Reality at CHI 2021 Computer-Human Interaction

A. Seals, M. Olaosebikan, J. Otiono, O. Shaer, O. Nov. Using Internet Studies to Assess the Impact of Self-Focused Mixed Reality on Perception, Affect, and Behavior , Workshop on Evaluating User Experiences in Mixed Reality at CHI 2021 Computer-Human Interactiont

A. Seals, J. Otiono, O. Shaer, O. Nov. Investigating Pathogen Trails As A Design Strategy to Combat Invisible Health Dangers in Everyday Environments, Workshop on Emergent Data Trails at the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2020.

O. Shaer, L. Boyle, R. Sadun, A. Kun, J. Lee, Towards Work in Automated Vehicles. ACM CHI’19 Workshop on Looking into the Future: Weaving the Threads of Vehicle Automation, 2019.

A. Girouard, R.J.K. Jacob, O. Shaer, E.T. Solovey, M. Poor. Reflecting on the Impact of HCI Frameworks, CHI 2018 workshop on Rethinking Interactions.

A. Roudaut, A. Girouard, O. Shaer, A. Kun. Identifying Challenges within HCI Education. CHI 2018 workshop on Developing a Community of Practice to Support Global HCI Education.

J. Okerlund, M. Balestra, C. Grote, O. Shaer, O. Nov An Environment For Long-Term Engagement with Personal Genomic Data, Beyond Personal Informatics: Designing for Experiences with Data Workshop, CHI 2015.

O.Shaer, A. Mazalek, J. Okerlund, C. Grote, B. Ullmer, Tangible Interaction With Large Data Sets Using Active Tokens, Exploring the Challenges of Making Data Physical Workshop, CHI 2015

A. Mazalek, O. Shaer, B. Ullmer, M. Konkel, Tangible Meets Gestural: Gesture Based Interaction with Active Tokens, ACM CHI 2014 Workshop on Gesture-based Interaction Design, ACM CHI 2014.

O.Shaer, C. Valdes, C. Grote, W. Xu, and T. Feng, Enhancing Data-Driven Collaboration with Large-Scale Interactive Tabletops, ACM CHI 2013 Workshop on Blended Interaction, ACM CHI 2013.

O. Shaer, C. Valdes, A Tiered Evaluation Framework for Reality-Based Creativity Support Environments, ACM CHI 2013 Workshop on Evaluation Methods for Creativity Support Environments, ACM CHI 2013.

C. Valdes, T. Feng, O. Shaer, Waiting for Supermom: Opportunities for HCI, ACM CHI 2013 Workshop on Motherhood and HCI, ACM CHI 2013.

O. Shaer, M. Umachi Bers, M. Chang, Making the Invisible Tangible: Learning Biological Engineering in Kindergarten, ACM CHI 2011 Workshop on User Interface Technology and Educational Pedagogy, ACM CHI 2011.

O. Shaer, Advancing Collaboative Discovery through Reality-Based Interaction, ACM CHI 2011 Workshop on Embodied User Interfaces, ACM CHI 2011.

O. Shaer, Exploring Reality-Based Interaction through Whole-Body Movement, Proc. ACM CHI 2009 Workshop on Whole-Body Interaction, 2009.

E.T. Solovey, O. Shaer,A. Girouard, L.M. Hirshfield, M.S., Horn, J. Zigelbaum, and R.J.K. Jacob, Programming Reality within Reality-Based Interaction, Proc. ACM CHI 2009 Workshop on Organic User Interfaces, 2009.

M.S. Horn, O. Shaer, A. Girouard, L.M. Hirshfield, E.T. Solovey, J. Zigelbaum, and R.J.K. Jacob, Putting Tangible User Interfaces in Context: A Unifying Framework for Next Generation HCI, Proc. ACM CHI 2007 Workshop on Tangible User Interfaces in Context and Theory, 2007.

O. Shaer and R.J.K. Jacob, Toward a Software Model and a Specification Language for Next-Generation User Interfaces, Proc. ACM CHI 2005 Workshop on The Future of User Interface Software Tools, 2005.

N. Leland, O. Shaer, and R.J.K. Jacob, TUIMS: Laying the foundations for a Tangible User Interface Management System, in the Toolkit Support for Interaction in the Physical World Workshop, Pervasive 2004, April 2004, Vienna.


O. Shaer, A Day in the Lab: WHCI, Interactions, May 2014.

T. Pederson, O. Shaer, R. Wakkary, Welcome to the TEI’10 Proceedings, Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction, January 2010.

O. Shaer, R.J.K. Jacob, M. Green, K. Luyten, Introduction to the special issue on UIDL for next-generation user interfaces, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 16, No. 4, November 2009.

Technical Reports:

O. Shaer, R.J.K. Jacob, M. Green, K. Luyten, User Interface Description Languages for Next Generation User Interfaces, CHI 2008 Workshop Proceedings, TR2008-2, Computer Science Department, Tufts University, 2008.

J. Zigelbaum, M. Horn, O. Shaer, R.J.K. Jacob, Tangible Video Editor: Designing for Collaboration, Exploration and, Engagement , Technical Report 2005-9, Tufts University, Medford, Mass, USA 2005.