Pig Pal

budget your bacon

Pig Picture
Team Members: Stacey Kim & Diana Tosca

Problem Statement: facilitate the budgeting process for college students who are looking to manage their money.

Requirement Analysis


Pre-Activity Questionnaire
Interview Chart

From the pre-task questionnaire, we found that students have diverse experiences with financial management. Most have never formally tracked their expenses, highlighting the need for a budgeting app. We found that all students have academic expenses, such as textbooks and tuition, as well as varying needs depending if they are living on- or off-campus. For example, college students living on-campus tend to spend less on groceries as a fixed expense than those living off campus. All participants have some form of self sufficient income source through a job, even if they might receive financial gifts from third parties. Commuting was a recreational expense for one individual and a fixed income for two others, indicating differences in needs of individual regarding similar expenses. The extent of the student’s financial independence varies, some may receive monetary help from parents, some may receive financial advice, and some may have neither. Moreover, the majority of college students have never structured a personal savings plan to purchase large expenses, meaning that our application could assist in setting smaller, attainable goals to eventually reach their main savings goal.

In the following interview activities, we observed users’ decisions and thought processes as we asked them to (1) categorize hypothetical revenue streams and expenses, (2) create a savings plan to achieve a financial goal, and (3) track their spendings with financial constraints in relevant locations where spending might occur, such as the grocery store.

Interview Activity 1

Description: Users were asked to categorize each source of revenue and expenses.

Interview Chart
  1. User 1- When given revenues, User 1 categorized each source of income as either “job” or “gift.” For example, incomes such as paycheck and research fell under “job” while incomes such as finances from guardians and school flex points belonged to “gifts.” When given expenses, User 1 categorized each source of expense by general similarities such as “bill”, “education”, and “fun.” This led to the observation that college students such as User 1 perceive incoming finances as a dichotomy between earned and unearned, and distinguish outgoing finances by what they’re contributing towards, rather than as a separation between “requirement” and “desire.”
  2. User 2- User 2 categorized the incomes based on where the source related to the user’s scheduled life, such as “Family”, “Lab”, and “Education,” illustrating that the user has a stronger understanding of where specifically the user’s contributions come from. User 2 then distinguished various expenses into two categories: necessity and leisure, while occasionally marking certain expenses as “incentive,” suggesting that college students like User 2 prioritize spendings.
  3. User 3 - With the revenue sources, this user’s categories were whether the money was “earned” income or a “handout.” Paycheck, flex points, and research study were earned, while parent and relative gifts were “handouts.” This user defined categories for expenses based on where the money came from in relation to the user. For the expenses, the user had three categories: investment, recreational, and necessity. According to the user, necessities are things that are essential to daily activities, recreational expenses are frivolous, entertaining activities, and investments are not immediate needs but they would have a return on the initial investment later on. The expenses categories were based on why the user was spending on a particular source.
  4. User 4- Categories for revenue sources included “income,” “snack fund,” and “shenanigans fund” (for miscellaneous entertainment expenses). The user only designated one category, income, based on where the fund came from. The two other were based on how the revenue sources were going to be spent. For their expenses, the user choose three categories of necessity for essentials, entertainment for nonessentials, and utility for recurring, obligatory expenses. These categories are based on why the user was spending on this source.

Overall Observation

Users seemed to have different ideas about how to categorize items. For instance, some users categorized revenue based on how they would spend the money or how the revenue source related to the user (e.g. earned income, gift). There were trends in category choices, however, so we could provide some default categories if the user needs this guide. Overall, users had diverse notions on the purpose of categories. This highlights the need for customization of categories. Our mobile application could therefore tailor to users’ preferences by allowing them to choose, edit, and prioritize categories based on their various needs. This would not only increase their locus of control, but improve the overall user experience by supporting to the requirements of the users.

Interview Activity 2

Description:Users were asked to develop a plan to save for a camping trip given fixed expenses and incomes, and then calculate the length of time it would take for them to reach their savings goal.

  1. User 1- User 1 began by briefly estimating the total price needed to go on a camping trip and asked how much is in the user’s initial bank account. Because User 1 did not have any budgeting experience, User 1 skipped over calculating precise incomes and decided to allocate all family sources of income towards the camping trip and spend earned wages towards monthly expenses. As a result, User 1 did not know the exact date by which the user will have saved enough money, but would cut down on unnecessary purchases until enough funds were saved. From this activity, we observed that college students such as User 1 would benefit from progress trackers that exhibited leftover amounts allowed to spend on a budget, so that the user will not have to worry about tediously calculating expenses and incomes, which may come off as intimidating for first time savers.
  2. User 2- User 2 began budgeting for the camping trip by first adding the total expenses. After a few minutes of deliberating to herself, the user figured that $215 would be left over after all monthly expenses were covered. User 2 would devote the leftover money to the student payment plan, transportation, and groceries--and spend less on recreational activities, as the User thought these were unnecessary. The User then planned to jot down daily expenses and edit these notes throughout the weeks until enough money was saved. The User foreshadowed that she would be likely to forget to note every unexpected expense or purchase, making her budget less accurate. Nonetheless, the User estimated that it would take 2-3 months to save. After analyzing User 2’s reasoning behind financing decisions, we found that most college students who have never saved before generally have a basic structure to prioritizing savings but do not know how to consistently abide by them.
  3. User 3- User 3 assumed they needed all the monthly expenses. They calculated their monthly revenue and expenses in their head, then used a calculator to verify the expenses. They subtracted revenue from expenses to get their monthly profit. They added up the costs associated with camping. The decided to use all their earnings for the month toward the camping trip and would not spend anything except monthly expenses, in order to save up for the camping trip faster. It would take them 3 ½ months to save for the camping trip.
  4. User 4- User 4 wanted to know if the trip had a deadline, which would affect how stringent they were with their savings. User assumed there was not a deadline for the camping trip. We clarified that it was a four week month. This user cut their monthly recreational expense, justifying this by saying that the camping trip was a recreational expense. Ther user calculated their revenue and expenses, then added up the cost of the camping trip. They didn’t want to dedicate all their leftover savings, so they came up with a six month sayings plan by dividing the cost of the camping trip, $385, by six months. They would dedicate $64.17 from their monthly earnings into their camping fund. It would take them six months to save for the camping trip.

Overall Observation

How users planned out their budget varied based on experience level with budgeting. Users that had more experience budgeting developed structured plans that outlined weekly revenue and differences after expenses were deduced. On the other hand, users with little to no experience struggled to schedule payment increments. This phenomenon highlights the need for learnability and usability across users of varying experiences. Our app should be accessible to users who have little experience creating a saving plan for themselves,guiding them through the process, while allowing a higher locus of control for users who are more financially savvy.

Interview Activity 3

Description: In this activity, users were given $15 in cash and $30 in credit and asked how they would form a budget to shop for groceries to last for one week.

  1. User 1- User 1 began by stating that because cash is scarce for most students, the User would only spend credit. The user would add items to the cart based on how long they would last. For instance, the user chose pasta over meat to sustain herself longer for a cheaper price. Other than this however, the user acknowledged that she does not usually track her spending as she adds items to the cart, but rather does so at the halfway point, nearer to the end of the grocery trip because the time it would take to calculate prices, remove items, and constantly check through this process would be inefficient. We therefore found that our mobile application could benefit students like User 1 if it allowed quick entry of spendings and outputted a total cash flow for a given day or month.
  2. User 2- User 2 factored in the quality of food, and so bought two or three quantities of food she desired even if certain organic foods, such as eggs, costed more than their regular counterparts. User 2 also paid for her purchases using only credit, ending up with $25 leftover. The user relied on her senses of what she needed in a week versus what she desired, and restrained herself from buying luxurious items, such as steak and chicken.
  3. User 3- User 3 said they would try to not spend credit, only cash. They analyzed the food based on nutritional content and sacrificed nutritional content for the sake of saving money. They tried to decide which grain was healthiest and bought frozen peas and vegetables. They wouldn’t get any beverages because they could have water for free. This user wanted to save money, but didn’t believe they had enough to buy a week's worth of food, so the user tried to optimize the amount of meals each food item would get them. In the end, user bought $13 worth of food to save money.
  4. User 4- User 4 opted for the more expensive milk because they knew they wouldn’t be able to use the gallon. They tried to get food items that could be used for multiple meals, such as the cooked chicken. They wouldn’t mind buying more expensive items if they had a higher rate of return. They refused to “splurge on ice cream.” The user spent all $15 of their cash and $7 of their credit because they deemed it necessary for buying a week’s worth of food. They bought extra of some items, pasta and chicken for instance, if they believed they could get several meals out of them.

Overall Observation

Users had different approaches to tracking grocery expenses and had various spending habits. Some users would estimate expenses as they bought items, others would calculate exact amounts in their head. Some users would prioritize organic food choices, others would try to optimize the number of meals per item. Our app would provide tips to users in order to inform them of potentially unfamiliar spending terms, such as credit. This feature is geared toward less experienced users. Our application could facilitate the shopping process by tracking a user’s total spending. By inputting prices into the application, users could see whether a certain purchase would exceed or fall within their budget. This way the user can avoid the tedious task of loosely or strictly estimating prices in their head or on paper as they shop. This would be applicable to any store as well. If the user finds that a certain purchase exceeds their budget, then the application would allow for an easy reversal of action, removing the inputted purchase so the user can continue shopping with ease.


Alex Pic
"Saavy Spender"
Alex Hamilton

  • Year:Senior
  • Major:Political Science
  • Hometown: Hamilton, NY
  • Extracurriculars: College Government
  • Spends his weekends with his girlfriend walking through the park.
  • Experience Budgeting: Has experience making a budgeting plan, but has had trouble sticking to a budget. Manages his own finances entirely.
  • Source(s) of Income: Off-campus job interning at City Hall
Spending Habits
  • Likes spending cash, not credit.
  • Lives off campus
  • Spends money on transportation
  • Very frugal, doesn’t like to spend money on unnecessary things.
Required Expenses
  • Rent
  • Groceries
  • Travel
Savings Goal
  • Car for more efficient travel

As a financially independent college student, Alex has experience budgeting his finances, but desires a more efficient way to manage his savings and daily expenses. He has difficulty tracking his finances on pen and paper because there are too many bills to account for. It would be a very tedious process for him and he would rather invest his time in his work. Our app would serve as a tool for him to organize his finances by calculating his daily expenses for him, sorting it into his own personalized categories, and helping him manage savings, which he could check with one tap of a button. Because Alex is already experienced in budgeting, he needs an app that enhances his monetary management through accessibility, ease of use, and customizability for greater locus control. The gamification feature would provide an incentive for continued use.

Natalie Pic
"Starter Saver"
Natalie Porkman

  • Year:First-Year
  • Major:Biology
  • Hometown: Newtonville,MA
  • Extracurriculars: Chinatown Volunteer
  • Experience Budgeting: No formal budgeting experience, but would like to learn more. She mostly manages her own expenses, but her parents check in occasionally and give her money.
  • Source(s) of Income: Lab, Parents, Scholarship
Spending Habits
  • Not wasteful.
  • Has the occasional recreational expense (movies or dinner every now and then)
  • Spends money on academic expenses.
  • Restaurants
Required Expenses
  • Textbooks
  • Prescriptions
Savings Goal
  • Save money for studying abroad to try more exotic foods. Wants to see the world before med school takes a hold of her life.

As a naive first year, Natalie has not yet gained financial independence and is unsure of how to manage her finances. Although Natalie has a general idea of personal savings, her spending habits need to be refined. She has no experience making a budget and wants guidance. She would benefit from a mobile app that would get her accustomed to tracking her cash flow, where her money is being spent, and plan out future expenses to stay within her budget. Our app would update Natalie with her net balance, log her spending, and give her general budgeting tips. The badges feature and progress tracker would provide informative feedback on her development of financial skills.

Kevin Pic
"Spendthrift Shopper"
Kevin Bacon

  • Year:Junior
  • Major:Business
  • Hometown: San Diego, CA
  • Extracurriculars: Student athlete, golfer. Spends his weekends at parties.
  • Experience Budgeting: None, his parents manage all his finances. His parents want him to take more control of his finances. He realizes it is not good to splurge, but can’t find motivation to not spend money.
  • Source(s) of Income: Parents
Spending Habits
  • Very lavish spender, does not like to save.
  • Shopping for clothes at Nordstrom and Express.
  • Only eats at high caliber restaurants
Required Expenses
  • Gym Membership
  • Frat dues
  • Country Club
  • Gas
Savings Goal
  • Spring Break at the Hamptons

Aware that his financial habits are not sustainable, Kevin needs an incentive to control his spending. Kevin has no experience with budgeting and no sense of his savings of expenses. Without an independent source of income, Kevin does not have direct control of his cash flow. However, he is still able to control his spending habits. By displaying a side-by-side comparison of Kevin’s monthly expenses, our app would provide a general sense of his spending activity, making him more aware of his extravagant consumer lifestyle. He would be able to clearly see his financial dependence and splurging habits. To incentivise spending more realistically, our app would provide feedback through the pig avatar regarding responsible spending on Kevin’s part.


Task Analysis Diagram
Task Analysis Diagram

Hierarchical Task Plan

Plan 1: Do 1.1 and 1.2 in that order
Plan 1.1: Do 1.1.1 and 1.1.3 first in any order, then 1.1.2 and 1.1.4 in any order
Plant 1.2: Do 1.2.1 and 1,2.3 first in any order, then 1.2.2 and 1.2.4 in any order.
Plan 1.2.2: can be done first, it is optional, then Repeat as needed.
Plan 1.2.4: can be done first, it is optional, then complete Repeat as needed.

Plan 2: Do 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 in that order
Plan 2.1: Do 2.1.1, optional step but recommended. Then 2.1.2
Plan 2.1.1: Do
Plan 2.2: Do 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 in any order, but 2.2.2 must be done before 2.2.3
Plan 2.2.1: is optional, though recommended. Do
Plan 2.2.2: and are optional, though recommended. Then do
Plan 2.3: Do 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 in that order.
Plan 2.3.1: Do Only complete If necessary.
Plan Do
Plan Do
Plan 2.4: Do 2.4.1, 2.4.2, and 2.4.3. In any order.
Plan 2.4.1: Do
Plan 2.4.3: is optional.

Plan 3: Do 3.1 and 3.2 in that order
Plan 3.1: Do 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and 3.1.4. 3.1.1. And 3.1.4 Must be done before 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, which can be done in any order.
Plan 3.2: Do 3.2.1, then in that order.
Plan 3.2.1: Do, then in that order
Plan 3.2.2: Do

Task 1
Categorize cash flow.
  • Categorize expenses and revenue stream.
    • Come up with categories
      • Analyze expense sources
      • Name categories for expenses
      • Analyze revenue sources
      • Name categories for revenues
    • Assign categories to each source of income or expense
      • Analyze expenses
      • Find appropriate category for the expense
        • Look through the list of categories
        • Match to expense
      • Analyze revenue source
      • Find appropriate category for the revenue source
        • Look through list of categories
        • Match to revenue source

Task 1 can be performed anywhere that the user has their expenses and revenues available to them. There is no particular environment where this task must be done. The task of categorizing could be performed once a day when all revenues and expenses can be accounted for. The task can also be done after every individual purchase is made or a revenue stream is identified. The task can be learned and optimized after going through the process once. Items could be miscategorized because of human error, leading to incorrect category analysis in budgets. Only one person is involved in the task.

Task 2
Plan a savings goal.
  • Figure out what you want to achieve with the savings
    • Figure out price components of the goal you want to achieve
      • Research what goes into goal
        • Write down components and their price
      • Add up prices of components
    • Calculate how much you can spend
      • Calculate your sources of revenue
        • Write down revenue streams
        • Add up value revenue sources
      • Calculate your sources of fixed and recreational expenses
        • Write down fixed expenses
        • Write down recreational expenses
        • Add up cost of all expenses
      • Subtract expenses from revenue
    • Calculate how long it would take to save up for goal
      • Determine if there is a deadline for the goal
        • Find how much you must save per week with a deadline
        • Create your own timeline for savings without a strict deadline
          • Determine an appropriate and reasonable timeline
            • Ask if your timeline can be achieved with your current sources of revenue and expenses
      • Take total cost of goal and divide by number of weeks until deadline or timeline
    • Save necessary amounts of money at weekly increments until deadline
      • Avoid excessive and impulsive purchases
        • Ensure that purchase does not go over what you can spend given the deadline for savings
      • Record daily expenses and bank withdrawals
      • Save the money
        • Deposit money in the bank

-The task of planning a savings goal is performed whenever the user desires to purchase a currently unaffordable item. The task is learned by calculating a user’s expenses and revenues and using the resulting net balance to develop a reasonable timeframe to save money. The task can go wrong if the user miscalculates the difference between expenses and revenues, forgets a source of revenue or fixed expense to factor into the savings plan, underestimates the amount of time needed for savings to surpass the total of expenses, or overestimates how much revenue the user is capable of saving without depleting another source of necessity. Other people involved in this task are the user’s guardians, who may fund the user’s bank account.

Task 3
Follow a budget.
  • Figure out how much money you can allocate to the activity
    • Allocate money for activity
      • Estimate how much activity will cost
        • Find components of activity
        • Add up costs of components
      • Allocate physical money for activity
      • Allocate credit for the activity
      • Factor in outside expenses and other financial responsibilities
    • Engage in purchases for activity
      • Ensure you don’t overspend in activity
        • Compare cost of activity to money allocated
        • Check that money allocated is greater than activity
      • Purchase components of activity
        • Use money allocated for purchasing

Task 3 can be performed while spending money for the activity. The environment depends on the activity being performed; for example, it can be within a grocery store where one is buying food. The task is performed as often as the activity needs to be performed, which can vary from once a week to several times a week. The task is learned through completing the activity once and allocating money accordingly. Users may overspend and exceed the limits of their budget. If others are involved in the activity, they would also be involved in the task.


Domain Diagram

Some subtle relationships worth noting are the relationships between college students and the government. While the government may provide federal aid to a college student, the college student also pays taxes to the government, creating a mutual relationship of expense and income for the college student. Moreover, the entity of loans is interwoven between many other entities, such as bank accounts, college students, colleges, and parents, showing that these entities are connected in more ways than one.


Scenario 1

Kevin wants to plan out a short weekend vacation to the Hamptons. Kevin is a junior in college and has always depended on his parents to straighten out his finances. He is trying to become more financially independent. He wants to try planning out the financial aspects of the vacation, but is unsure of how to do this. Money is not an issue for him, but he wants to have a rough idea of the costs associated with vacation and how he would pay for them. Kevin decides to categorize each expense and different ways of paying for the vacation. He pulls out his iphone and opens the PigPal app, adding individual expenses associated with the vacation, such as airfare, hotel, food, and recreational costs. He categorizes each expense into either “necessity,” “recreational,” or “utility.” He also adds current revenue sources to his app and adds these revenue streams to either the “earned” category or the “gift” category. He then goes to the Budget Detail feature and is able to see what percentage of his expenses will go toward necessities, utilities, and recreational expenses. He is also able to see the aggregate amount of revenue he has towards this trip on the app.

Scenario 2

As a first-year student in college, Natalie is just learning the ropes of a financially independent life. Although she understands the importance of saving money, she is inexperienced in handling finances and doesn’t quite know how to follow a formal savings plan. Natalie knows, however, that if she wants to study abroad in the upcoming years, she has to save up soon and stick to a diligent plan. Her new mobile app, PigPal, encourages her to begin by searching up costs of a specific place she wants to travel. Motivated, Natalie looks up study abroad programs in chemistry and biology to compliment her pre-med route. Despite being costly, the sciences program at Oxford University catches her attention, and Natalie realizes that this is where she wants to attend even if the university’s tuition far surpasses her annual income. Natalie then takes note of the program’s application fees, housing dues, textbook expenses, air travel, meal plan, and course costs. After adding up all the costs, Natalie estimates that a semester abroad would cost a total of $31,000, so she enters this amount into PigPal’s create a “savings goal” feature. The app then asks Natalie to set a deadline. The app encourages Natalie to allocate money towards her savings by featuring a progress bar that displays not only the amount of time left she has to reach her goal, but also the amount of money left needed to be saved. The app then creates a budget tailored to her needs based on her spending habits, and all Natalie has to do is follow the suggested weekly spending amounts to reach her savings goal in the desired time frame.

Scenario 3

Alex is going shopping at Walmart. He is financially independent and has been shopping for himself for a while. Although he has a good idea of what to spend and knows not to spend too much, he would still like a way to track his expenses to make sure he is not going over his amount allocated for groceries. He has thirty dollars in cash and sixty dollars in his credit card. He would like to spend only the money he has in cash and not touch the money he has in credit. He decides to pull out his PigPal app and starts adding each expense to his recent purchases as he puts items in his cart. Near the end of his shopping trip, he sees he is close to his thirty dollar limit at twenty six dollars spent. His pig avatar, Wilbur, sends his phone a reminder that he must stay within his budgeting limit. He still needs to buy a box of cereal for breakfast. He has two options, the generic brand three dollar cereal and the whole grain five dollar cereal. After being reminded by Wilbur to stay on budget, he decides to buy the three dollar generic brand cereal to remain under forty dollars. He buys all his items and saves the rest of his money in his credit.

preliminary designs

Design 1

Design 2

Paper Prototype

prototype photos

Login Screen: Login for users to either enter their username and password, or to create a new account.
Register: This form allows users to enter basic registration information and create an account.
Starting Page: A page where users can enter their initial budgeting needs, including money currently in the bank, any number of income sources, and any number of recurring expenses along with their frequency.
Get Started: The first step for user customization before they begin budgeting is to name their pig.
Overview: Users have a basic overview of their spending and their pig status, along with the ability to add new expenses and savings goals.
Pig Page: Users can see their pig status in detail, along with the number of coinks they have earned based on the pig’s happiness, and the daily pig tip.
Total Spending: This page has a breakdown of user spendings by categories, giving them a visualization in the pie chart.
Budget: Budget gives users details of the amount they have left to spend, their recent activity, and their monthly spending based on categories. Users can also add savings goals and expenses from this page.
Savings Goal: This page displays all the savings goals users have added. It displays the timeframe they have to complete the spending, a progress bar for their spending, and a way to delete the savings goals. Additionally, users can add savings goals and expenses.
Badges: The badges page shows users all of the badges they have earned as a result of budgeting with the app.
Settings: Users can change their email and password from this page, sign out, or delete their account. Users are given feedback in the form of popups when they update, sign out, or delete their account.
New Expense: Users are sent to this form after clicking on “add expense” from any screen. Users can enter the expense name, the amount, and choose a category for the expense. Notes can be made for the user if they would like itemize their expense. Add expense adds it to the budget page in recent activity. The reset button resets the form.
New Goal: Users are sent to this form after clicking “saving goal” from any previous screen. Users can enter what they are saving for, the total cost of the item, and a deadline for the goal. If they click “yes” for whether they have money saved towards the goal, they will be prompted to enter how much money they have already.


User Briefing

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this usability study. You will receive food compensation at the end of this study. This shouldn’t take more than a quarter hour. Your identity will remain anonymous. You may stop the test at any time.

We will be testing the prototype for our budgeting application, PigPal. Our application is geared toward college students to assist them with managing their finances. Users will be able to track expenses, create savings goals, and stick to a budget. Our app includes rewards, in the form of badges, and interactions with a pet pig (default Wilbur) to encourage users to manage their finances.

In the study, you will complete three tasks related to using the application. You can ask for clarification about the scenario tasks.We cannot tell you how to complete the task. Please say your thoughts out loud so we can record them. We can show you our notes if you would like at the end of the study for transparency.

Please complete the tasks to the best of your ability. We are only testing for usability in our application in this study.

Assume you are a new user and must create an account.

scenario tasks

Scenario Task #1

You receive $250 monthly paycheck and $75 weekly from parents. You pay $100 monthly for studewnt loans, $50 weekly for groceries, and $30 weekly recreationally. Create an initial budget.

Scenario Task #2

You are saving up for a $300 bicycle. You need it by August 31, 2016. You already have $100 saved up for the bicycle. Create a savings goal for buying the bicycle.

Scenario Task #3

You are grocery shopping. You are buying $2 eggs, $3 milk gallons, and $2 bread. Input these expenses to track your spending.


Pilot Study

For the first task, the first user in the pilot study was unable to navigate to their starting budget for the first task from the overview page. We found the user must be prompted to create an account first.

We did not have a dropdown menu for “Time” in entering either initial income sources or recurring expenses, as seen when one user attempted to click on “time”. A drop down menu was created for it with the wording being changed to “frequency” to clarify what this meant.

When users would click on “start budgeting” after initial budgeting, they were prompted to a page that asked them to name their pig instead of sending them to budget, which was confusing for some users. The “start budgeting” button was removed from the form and placed on the pig naming page instead.

In the second task, two users was not sure what “reserve money toward the goal” meant, therefore the wording was changed in the next prototype to make it more clear that the question means if users have money saved towards their goal already.

Several users had trouble finding the “savings goal” form page. Some users managed to navigate towards the savings goals using the nav bar. Others, instead, entered the savings goals as a new expense. To fix the issue, we added a “savings goal” button to different pages so users may find it more easily.

One user was unsure if “amount” meant their starting amount for savings or if it meant how much the bicycle it. The wording was clarified in the updated prototype to mean the amount that the savings goal costs.

For the third task, some users would group the items together into “groceries,” while others would enter the expenses for the three items one at a time. While it was not the intention that users would group together grocery expenses, our app was dynamic enough for the users to enter their expenses this way.

One user went to the overview page and to the menu after that, but was unsure of where to go back to input expenses. Add expense icons were added in order to simplify this process for the users.

Outside Class

In the first task, one user made a mistake in entering the amounts for initial budgeting and asked if they could go back to fix them. They made the mistake before adding expenses, which made it possible for them to edit the page, but we realized they would not be able to change their initial budget after this.

One user pointed out that the frequency button would only count the frequency starting from the day they entered the amount. It might be user to add a date for the frequency to start calculating a budget.

A user was confused by what the plus sign meant in the income and recurring expenses. We should find a way to clarify this for users.

In the second task, one user was confused on what the happiness bar was. We may need to add a ‘?’ prompt next to the happiness bar, similar to the one in next to the coinks, to clarify what the happiness bar means.

One user still had trouble finding the savings goal, or had trouble understanding what it meant.

In the third task, two user asked whether the expenses should be grouped or whether they should be added together. One user noted that because there wasn’t a plus sign, similar to the one in the first task, then they should group the expenses.

One user was unsure if the happiness bar would increase after entering the expense, meaning the purpose of the happiness bar is ambiguous for some users.

One user asked for a back button because they would have liked to go back to the previous screen rather than navigating through it with the nav bar.

prototype iteration


During the pilot test, our prototype featured a “Start Budgeting” button on the registration form, which when clicked, led to a “Get Started” screen where users can name their pig. After naming their pig, the pilot users could click the “Next” button, which would then lead to a new “Starting Budget” form. After performing our prototype tests on the pilot users, we found that the ordering of these buttons were misleading, so we switched their orders on our new prototype for the real user tests. On our prototype for the real users, our registration form features a “Next” button, which would navigate the user towards the “Get Started” page. The “Get Started” page then had a “Start Budgeting” button, which properly lead the real users to the “Starting Budget” form.


On our overview screen for our pilot test, our prototype contained a “Happiness Bar” section with the virtual pig, a “Budget” section where users could view their budget progress, and a “Add Expenses” button on the bottom right corner that users could click to enter any new expenses. After performing our initial tests, we found that the pilot users often confused the “add expenses” button as a dual-functioning “add savings” button as well. So, for our test on the real users, we changed our prototype “Overview” screen to feature two separate buttons: “Add Expenses” on the bottom right, and “New Goal” on the left.


Like the overview screen on our first prototype, our “Budget” screen for the pilot test was also missing a “New Goal” button that users can click on to enter a new savings goal. Because the budget screen is the most important and informative page on our application, we found it necessary to add a savings goal feature next to the new expenses button on the iterated design of the Budget page. Our prototype for the real users therefore has a “New Goal” button on the bottom left side, next to the “Add Expenses” button.

Savings Goal

To keep our application structurally consistent, we changed our prototype for the “Savings Goal” page to feature a “Add Expenses” button on the bottom right corner. Previously, the prototype for the pilot users only had a “New Goal” button on the bottom right corner, where users could input new savings goals. To follow the consistency guideline in the 8 Golden Rules, we moved this “New Goal” button to the left, and created an “Add Expenses” button on the right.

Moreover, we added trash can icons on the bottom right of each savings container so that real users could delete any savings goals. During our pilot test, users did not have the capability of removing any savings goals, which was problematic in terms of reversibility. We accounted for this problem by adding a delete feature in the form a trash can icon on the Savings Goal page.

New Goal

During our pilot test, users were confused by the question on the bottom of our “New Goal” form. The question, which was below the “Deadline for Goal” section, asked pilot users, “Would you like to reserve money towards your goal?” Users could respond either yes or no by clicking a radio button, but our pilot users were unclear what the question was referring to. We changed the wording of this question in our prototype for real users by restating it as “Do you already have money saved towards your goal?” This wording was much more straightforward, and real users did not find themselves pondering over the meaning of the question.

Pop-Ups, Dialogs, and Other Features

During our pilot test, we noticed that the pilot users were not receiving enough feedback from our application. For example, in our pilot test, our prototype did not respond to user input, such as clicking the radio button in “New Goal” page. Our test with real users fixed this problem by adding a popup box, which asks “If yes, how much?” when users answer the question that asks “Do you already have money saved towards your goal?”

On our “[Pig Name]” page, we also added a “help” feature for our real user tests, which when clicked on, would create a dialog box that explains the gamification features of the PigPal application. In our prototype for pilot users, our settings page also didn’t respond to user input such as password changes, account deletion, or log out confirmation. In our prototype for real users, we added these features so that when the user changes the account password, a pop up box appears, saying, “Password Reset”, a text input box that says, “Enter Email Address”, and two buttons that read, “Submit” and “Cancel.” When the real user clicks on “Delete Account” in the settings page, a dialog box will also pop up and read, “Are you sure you want to delete your account?” to which the user could respond with either “No” or “Yes.” When the user clicks “Sign Out”, a confirmation box will appear, notifying the user with “You have been logged out.” Lastly, when the user is finished with the settings page, a pop up box will read, “Your settings have been updated.” Before the test for real users, none of these informative features were in our prototypes.

In our “Starting Budget” page, our prototype for the pilot users also didn’t feature a drop-down menu for the “Frequency” option which should’ve contained options for monthly, weekly, or daily sources of income. We changed this so that in our prototype for real users, users could click on the drop-down menu and choose either “Daily”, “Weekly”, “Monthly”, or “Annually,” making the overall process for users much easier, informative, and responsive.


Editing the initial budget is not possible after creating an account. We could create a new form that allows for editing the initial budget in the “Budget” page. This would allow reversal of errors for the users if the user made a mistake entering their initial budget. Additionally, if the user’s needs changed while using the app, this feature would allow for added customizability and an improved locus of control for the user.

The frequency drop down menu in the initial budget page needs a start time. This could be added to the initial budget form users fill out when they create an account. This allows the users to control when their income sources or recurring expenses get added or taken away from their budget. Assuming the frequency would start when the entered the initial budget could be very problematic when calculating their budget in the future if it doesn’t reflect their actual budget.

The plus sign in the initial budget may be ambiguous. In a previous iteration, there was text in this field rather than a plus sign. Some users do not have issues with the plus sign, while one did see it as unclear. Because the plus sign button offers visual cues, unlike its text field predecessor, the plus sign is more effective in communicating its function. If users desire to input more sources of income and recurring expenses, they could thus simply click the plus sign and enter more information. To resolve the issue of ambiguity, the button could be colored to give users a better idea of what its function refers to.

What the happiness bar does is unclear for some users. This can be fixed by providing a ‘?’ icon next to the happiness bar, similar to the one near the coinks, that provides users with information on what the happiness bar does. Alternatively, there could be a page after naming the pig that tells the user about the happiness bar, it’s purpose, and what it does. Using both could provide the user with the initial information for the happiness bar, while allowing the user to go back and check if they forget what it does and what it means.

There is still trouble finding “savings goal” for some users. To fix this, either the navigation bar needs to be more apparent on the screen to allow users to navigate to it more easily, or every screen should include an “add savings goal” and “add expense” icon on the page. This would provide users with faster access to the core features of the app and eliminate navigation issues.

A back button was requested when users got lost. Every page could include a back button in the header menu, which allows users to go back to their previous page if they made a mistake and need to return to it. Some of the forms already include a back button, but if the user exits out of this form, it may be difficult to return to that menu. Therefore, the back button on every screen would allow easier navigation for the user.

There is ambiguity on whether expenses should be itemized or grouped together based on the current form.The form could be updated to encourage itemization within the form. The form could be edited in order to allow users to enter individual things for one larger expense with the form, rather than added what they bought in the notes field. For example, the groceries would be the main expense in the form and there would a field in the categories that would allow users to enter specifically what was bought. In the case of task three, it would be milk, eggs, and bread. This feature would be optional based on the user and how detailed they would like to be with their expenses.


Task 1

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Task 2

Task 3

Other Features

Completion: Semi-Functional App

screen captures


The login screen is the first page users see. Users can enter their login information on this page. Once users enter their information, they can login, which takes them to the overview page. If users have forgotten their password, they can click on the “Forgot Password?” link. If they would like to create an account, they can click on “New User.”


In this page, users can enter their email address and click on the “retrieve password” button to retrieve their password. An alert will appear telling the user an email has been sent to retrieve their password. Users can also click on the back button to return to the login screen.


When the user clicks on the “new user” button from the login screen, they are taken to the register page. Here, they can enter their information to create a new account. They can click next once they are finished entering their information. They can also click on the back button to return to the login screen.

Name Pig

Users can name their pig for customization from this page. Once they enter their pig name, the can click on the start budgeting page. This takes users to a form where they can fill out an initial budget. This page also has a back button which brings users back to their previous register screen.

Start Budgeting

The start budgeting page allows users to fill in their initial budget through a form. Users enter their initial amount that they have in the bank here. They can enter different income sources or recurring expenses and the frequency of these expenses occurring. The add button allows them to add multiple sources of income or expenses, where three new fields appear on the page. Once the are done, users can submit this page to continue. The submit button takes users to the overview page. Users can also click the back button to return to the “Name Pig” screen.


The navigation bar button is located at the top left corner of most screens after the initial login and create new user account forms. The navigation bar slides out on the left hand side. Users can navigate to different pages within the app. Clicking the hamburger icon again hides this screen.


The overview page displays the main budgeting information for users. Users are shown their pet and it’s happiness bar. They are shown the percentage of each bar for clarity. Users can click on the daily tip for a popup of a budgeting tip. Users can also see their budgeting amounts for the current month. At the bottom of the screen, users can add a new transaction or a new saving goal from the overview page.

New Transaction

The new transaction form allows users to enter a new transaction that will appear in their budget page. Users can either enter an income or an expense from this screen. They can assign that transaction to a category. Users can add notes to the expense. A reset button resets this form for users. Once they are finished, they can add the transaction, which will take them to the total spending screen. There is also a back button that allows them to return to the previous screen.

New Savings Goal

The new savings goal forms allows users to enter a new goal that would appear on the savings goal page. Users can set deadlines for these goals. If they already have money saved towards this goal, an input and a label will prompt users to enter how much they have already saved towards the goal. When they are finished, all done is click, which will take them to the savings goal page. Users can also go back to the previous screen via the back button.

Pig Page

The pig page displays the user’s pet pig, along with the happiness bar. The pig page gives the user more feedback on their budgeting. Users can also see the amount of coinks they have, or an explanation of what coinks are if they click on the question mark. The explanation will appear a popup.


The budget page shows detailed budget and spending for the user. The amount left in the budget is shown as a progress bar. The amount they have in the bank is also displayed. The “recent activity” section shows recent spending for the users. New expenses are shown in red, while new income sources are shown in green. Users can edit the expense by clicking on the pencil icon, which will take them to the “add transaction” form. Users can also delete expenses by clicking on the trashcan. Users will be asked to confirm the deletion of the item through an alert. The monthly expenses section shows the individual budget amount left in each category. On the bottom of this screen, users can add a new transaction or add a new savings goal.

Total Spending

Total spending displays a pie chart for the user, which shows their budget distribution in different categories. Users can click on each section for more details about their spending, which category the spending is in, and how much (in dollars) they spent in that category out of their total budget. Users can also display different charts for different years and months in their budget If a month is not available, a label will show that the year is not available.

Savings Goal Page

The savings goal page displays the different savings goals users have set up.They are shown a progress bar of how far along they are in the savings process, along with the name of the savings goal, how many weeks are left for the deadline of the goal, and how much money is left for the goal deadline. Clicking on the trashcan icon prompts the user to confirm their deleting action. If they confirm this, the savings goal is deleted. On the bottom of the screen, users can add a new transaction or savings goal.


The badges page displays different badges the user has unlocked through their spending habits. Users can click on each badge, where a popup will show the name of the badges. If users attempt to click on a locked icon, it will display a popup that says “locked.”


The settings page allows users to update their email and password on their account. The users enter their current information and the new email and password they would like. Once users click on update settings, they will be shown a dialog that confirms this action. If users click on “Delete Account,” an alert will appear asking users if they are sure they would like to complete this action. Clicking on the “sign out” page shows an alert that tells users they have been successfully signed out and returns them to the login screen.

video demo


Look/Feel & Features: Final Design

PigPal’s design focuses on memorability, learnability, and providing feedback to users. The first page of our design, the login screen, is a familiar page to our target audience, college students. Clicking on “new user” prompts users to fill out several forms. All forms provide feedback on what to write in each field. All forms across the app have a similar design and color scheme and they all include buttons, labels, and forms, which adds to the consistency of our app. The core features of the app, adding transactions and savings goal, are easily accessible, since the app is designed for use on the go to track expenses. There is no need to memorize information from one screen to another, which reduces the memory load on the user.

The app’s color harmony is a complimentary color scheme, with shades of pink being in the main color of our design, to match the “pig theme”, and green colors being used as accents, to match the “budget” theme. The green highlight appears when filling out forms, clicking on buttons, and any active radio buttons or checkboxes. Green, red, and yellow were used in progress bars in budgeting. Progress bars start off green, become yellow when more money in the budget is depleted, and ends on red, which is intuitive for users. In the recent activity page, expenses are colored in red and income is colored in green to make a clear distinction between them.

The labels and dialog boxes provide users with feedback and information on what the screen displays, since our app mostly caters to novice and first-time users of budgeting apps. For instance, the label for adding a new transaction and a new savings goal is clearly marked on the buttons that takes you to these forms. The badges page also prompts the user to click on badges to see their meaning. Delete buttons allow users to reverse errors in the transaction page or the new savings goal page, along with an edit button in the recent activity part of the budget page. Whenever delete buttons are pressed in either the savings goal page or the budgeting page, a dialog box allows the user to give confirmation for this action. In the settings page and forgot password page, users are shown a dialog box which confirms their action to either update their settings or retrieve their password. In the pig page, a clicking on the question mark next to the coinks prompts a dialog that gives the user information regarding this feature.

Features of the app is designed to give users customizability of the app and encourage long term use of the app through rewards and budgeting feedback. Users are given a pet pig that gives them budgeting feedback through it’s happiness bar. The overview page and main pig page show the user the status of their pet pig. Users can click on a “daily tip” for budgeting tips in the form of a popup. A progress bar signals how satisfied the pig is based on how well the user is budgeting. The higher the bar, the better the user is doing. The happiness bar is one of the gamification features that encourages users to have good spending habits, along with the badges page that rewards the users for specific spending habits.

The side bar allows users to easily navigate through different parts of the app. It can toggle between hidden and visible; this is done to optimize screen space when the navigation feature is not in use. The total spending page gives the user a clear visualization for spending in each category. Users can interact with the visualization for further feedback on their spending. Users can also navigate to different charts, but if a chart is not availables, they are given feedback about this through a label.

Overall, the look and feel of our app, along with it’s features, provides novice and first-time users a clear, simple, and intuitive way to manage the seemingly complicated world of budgeting.

Presentation link:

Changes from Previous Version

Based on feedback provided during the presentation and our own evaluation of the app, features were added or changed from previous versions of our design.

In the “Budget” page, one person noted that there was not a clear distinction between recent activity that is income and one that is expenses. Therefore, we changed the colors of recent activity to green for earning and red for expenses to give a noticeable difference between the two. We also added a delete button to the recent activity to give users more control over this page and to account for possible errors users may make in adding transactions.

In the savings goal page, we added a button to delete specific savings goals so the user can delete any goals they no longer wish to continue on.

Someone else noted that college students may have an irregular work schedule and would, therefore, need a more dynamic way to input income sources, rather than just having the fixed income frequency at the “start budgeting” form. Therefore, we changed the “add expense” page to an “add transaction” page, where users can distinguish whether they would like to enter money for an expense or an income source.

Confirmation dialogs were added to all delete buttons (to make sure actions are reversible if the user makes a mistake), along with dialogs in the update settings and forgot password page. A forgot password page was added for when the user clicks on the “Forgot Password?” link in the login screen.

The total spending screen was also redesigned the give the user more feedback based on which month and year they select to be viewed.

Future Improvements

One feature of our app we would like to utilize more is the “coinks,” which were originally meant to provide the user with added customization to their pig in the form of an accessory store. The accessory store would have been used with the coinks given to users. This feature would tie together the gamification aspect of our game that encourages users to budget, where the user would be rewarded with coinks for good spending habits, consistent use of the app, and gaining badges, among other things.

Technical Notes

Sometimes navbar freezes, refreshing the page makes it work again. Charts in the total spending doesn’t render correctly when going to them from the navigation bar. In general, refreshing fixes most issues.