hmmm... what else can i tell you?

children really seemed to enjoy "a day in the park." it became more of a toy than anything else. that made me so happy! i loved watching kids come and pull on the flowers and laugh excitedly when things moved. one little girl amazed me, because she seemed to be *just* grasping the concept of cause and effect, so she had her hands on two flowers and would pull one as she turned to look at the scene she knew would move, then pull the other and look at the other scene she was manipulating. her parents couldn't pull her away! it was wonderful to witness. :)


i had so much fun making this project! and i'm really proud of the way it turned out. i learned so much in robotics, and i'm so sad that wintersession has reached the end. i'm going to convince all my friends to take this class as soon as they possibly can! :)

i wanna go back! where did this all begin?