Welcome to the website for our final project for Wellesley College's Robotics Design Studio! During the three-week wintersession, we built with LEGOs and programmed chips, and with much help from many people (and things), we have completed "Duck Polo" as our final project. It is a two-player game of remote-control "ducky" vehicles. The contest is to knock off the six ping-pong balls on your six towers before the other ducky knocks off theirs. Please click on the following links for more information!

The Game
So what is duck polo? How do you play?
Team Bios
Who am I? Who are we? Who are you?
Design Mechanics
The LEGOs, the wires, and the hot glue.
The people, things, and other forms
of matter that mattered.
The empowering words behind the plastic.
Development Timeline
The duck polo blog.