Fern's Page: The Creators


We are:

Erika Reinfeld

Erika, a first-year at Wellesley College, plans to study everything possible before settling on a defitnite path in the "real world." This picture emigrated from her native world of Virginia.

Anne Springsteen

Anne is also a first-year student at Wellesley College, and plans to study physics. This is a picture of her in Sci 396, where Robotic Design Studio met. Picture courtesy of Prof. Robbie Berg

Neira Hajro

Neira is also a first-year student at Wellesley College with no idea what her major will be. This is she in her room in McAfee Hall with two of her friends- she's the one with short hair.
"Fern was up at daylight, trying to rid the world of injustice. As a result, she now has a pig." -Mr. Arable

OK, so we don't have a pig, but we do have a really neat robotic spider. We spent most of January 1998 learning about LEGOs, handylogo, and robotics in general, and finally designing and building Charlotte. The course was a lot of work, but it was fun- after all, how often do you get to play with LEGOs and get academic credit at the same time?

And now, here are some pictures of us from Robotic Design Studio:

Anne and Neira watching Charlotte at the final robotics exibition.

Picture courtesy of Prof. Mary Coyne

Erika playing with Charlotte at the exhibition

Picture courtesy of Prof. Mary Coyne

All three of us, plus another classmate, with a racing robot we designed for a challenge during the course.

Picture courtesy of Prof. Lyn Turbak
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