Tiina Vuorenmaa

This is my second time taking this course at Wellesley during wintersession. Last year, I had made Chimera: part cat, part bat, part spider, and part god.

It was a unique robot that could flap it's wings, play music, and even follow the light of a candle to catch and eat origami paper cranes placed at its altar. Someday, I'll take Chimera's head as a souvenir of such a wonderful class.


So, this wintersession, I come back really excited about the class, but I don't know what to make... Then I search through my old notes, and I find an old idea! A witch/cook that pours ingredients into a cauldron and stirs them. Well, it was that or a robot that climbs stairs..


Well, it's settled. A Witch it is! and with two wonderful partners such as Tegan Cohan and Diana Fong, well, what could be better! I hope you get a chance to see our witch. Once again, I have fun adding interesting craft materials to make a somewhat mechanical looking thing into a mysterious witch! ^_^


You want to know about ME?? ohh...

well, i like anime: especially bishounen and yaoi. i even taught a small course on anime here at Wellesley during wintersession, and i'm president of Wellesley Anime. i'm taking Japanese here because i like anime so much, and i hope to go to Japan next year. ^_^

my other interests include 80's music (yes. i am a child of the 80's), ska (love that happy-go-lucky dance music), and an occasional punk (Rancid being my favorite- and also Goldfinger. i think it has something to do with the ska/punk scene in California). I love reading Sci-Fi (_Ender's Game_ is my favorite!) and sometimes Fantasy novels, although a recent one i read is neither: _The God in Flight_ by Laura Argiri. A very poetic, yaoi novel.

i am also pagan. I will consider myself Pagan, Wiccan, or a Witch. yep. this means i practice Witchcraft. This is a bit different than our robot witch. She is made out of legos, I believe in a religion that revolves around the cycles of the Earth and the Moon and the skys...



well, enough babbling for now.. check out my first homepage. hopefully, there will be others to follow.. ^_^