Title: Not Just for Novices: the Design and Implementation of Blocks Programming in MIT App Inventor Speaker: Franklyn Turbak, Wellesley College Computer Science Department Abstract: In blocks programming languages, programs are built by connecting code fragments shaped like jigsaw puzzle pieces, Because they lower barriers for novices learning how to program, blocks languages like Scratch, Blockly, StarLogo Nova, and MIT App Inventor, are becoming increasingly popular for introductory programming experiences. In this talk, I will describe the design and implementation of the blocks language in MIT App Inventor, an environment for creating mobile apps for Android devices. After giving a live demo of the environment, I will focus on features currently in the language as well as some under development, including live development, event handling, naming, types, debugging, and conversion between blocks and text languages. Although MIT App Inventor is targeted at novices, I will argue that some of these features would be worth incorporating into environments for more traditional programming languages.