When you run a batch file with the command MariaDB [databaseName] > source batch.file.sql, do you need to write MariaDB [databaseName]? Some code begins with $ mysql while some don't. Not sure about what's the difference. In what instances is it appropriate to comment on batch files? Does it depend on the complexity of the code, or are there specific instances to look out for? When using the MySQL client, why do only some commands end in a semi-colon/is there an easy way to remember which ones do and don't?" Does ORDER BY preserve the consistency of a row, or would it mix up rows unexpectedly? What happens if you call ORDER BY on a different set of columns than you gave to SELECT? Do order by statements take long to run? Is the correct to say the RDBMS usually can handle concurrent clients, whereas non-relational DBMS can never handle more than 1 client at a time? What exactly does relational mean? Why do you say ""WHERE birthdate IS NULL"" instead of ""WHERE birthdate = NULL""? When do you use ""IS"" and when do you use ""="" I am a little confused about getting set up to use MariaDB, should it be in our cs304 folder we created last class? I am also confused about the I/O redirection, why is the database not changed? When using the 'source' command to run a file, why does the output day ""database changed""? Is there a way to merge databases? How does the wmdb treat movies with multiple directors? Are we going to run queries outside of the terminal (like in a file)? Is MySQL a specific type of SQL? Or do they refer to the same thing? Additionally, could you explain the client-server again? I'm still a bit confused on the structure - is there actual physical infrastructure (is that the server?) where the data is stored? Why do we have to interact directly with MySQL? Is there a python package that would let us do everything with databases at a higher level? How is the efficiency comparing to other similar data structures (ex. in pandas)? How do B-Trees work? / I want to learn more about the B-tree data structure. As disks get larger, being space-efficient has become less important, but space-efficiency can result in greater speed if less data needs to be moved from disk into memory or sent across networks. This sounds like it aligns with the space-time complexity trade-off, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around why this is the case. Would you mind collaborating a bit more?