I think that I'm having a hard time understanding how everything works together-Could you walk through a few examples on how different parts of the people app work together to process a request and what's the output? Can you give us a brief review on the cursor and execute methods. When we import code, are we really ""adding code"" to our program, or are we saving it to the cache to read from? Can I get a clarification on why the people app will be so useful to us? It's very helpful to see as an example/walk-through, but will we be importing it a lot? (I also feel like I will understand this better when we talk it through in class) I would also appreciate more practice using @app.route(). Why is '__name__' a magic invocation? Does Flask() alone actually do anything? Does Flask(__name__) have other decorator methods besides .route() and .before_first_request? Also, I think I get some error associated with shared libraries when trying to run the commands for running the people_app. I feel confused on the html template. Can you explain the tags you use in people.html? Do we ideally only directly put HTML code in app.py for HTTP methods? or are they used in other cases as well? For parametrized routes like this: @app.route('/people-born-in/'), is the `int` part in the brackets or does it just convert the month to type `int` since user input is received as a string? Not a question, but I really liked the format of this reading! In particular, going through small sections of the code and explaining things line-by-line helped me connect some of the loose concepts we've discussed in class to this concrete example. Irrelevant, but can you talk about caching?