Can you explain a bit about where the information goes after a form is submitted and where that data can be accessed? Can you review the templating in more detail? How do you add content to a page? Is templating just for the structure of the page? How do you add content to a template? Can we see instances/examples of when the redirect function is triggered? I think I'm still a little confused on the purpose of flash(). How is flash different from what we have already done in this class to render templates? I think seeing more examples/going over it in class would help. For flash messages, the reading says that there are 2 parameters, the message and the category, and that both parameters are optional. I understand what the message parameter does but what's the point of the category parameter if it's not imperative to have? I'm confused by get_flashed_messages. The tutorial mentions something about category and removing a message, which I didn't quite understand. Could you give an example of when we would use this as opposed to flash?