
  1. Is there a way to make the log in button that connects to CAS prettier?

    You don't like my button?

    There's the Flask side of things, where we can use CSS to make things prettier. And there's the CAS server, where we have no control at all.

  2. How does CAS relate to cookies?

    CAS transfers the browser (using a redirect) to the Login server, which logs you in, and then redirects back to your app, using a special URL. Here's the documentation from the source code:

    When the user accesses this url, they are redirected to the CAS to login. If the login was successful, the CAS will respond to this route with the ticket in the url. The ticket is then validated. If validation was successful the logged in username is saved in the user's session under the key `CAS_USERNAME_SESSION_KEY` and the user's attributes are saved under the key 'CAS_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE_KEY'

    That code then redirects back to your app to an endpoint of your choosing.

  3. I'm confused about the usage of the specific URL!

    Which specific URL? The CAS SERVER? https://login.wellesley.edu:443

    That's the LTS-supported server that checks your password and redirects back to the Flask app.

  4. Will we be authenticating users using Wellesley's CAS in our apps?

    You may do so if you want to. That's why I teach it!