

By the end of today, you should:

  1. understand digital signatures and message digests

Proving Identity

We all know that identity theft is a big modern problem. How can you prove you are who you are? How does the thief prove they are you? Usually it's by having certain magic numbers that only you are supposed to have, like your Social Security Number (SSN) and such. Unfortunately, in day to day life, we don't usually have anything much better than that. Computer scientists have invented something better, namely digital signatures.

Digital Signatures

First, digital signatures have nothing to do with privacy and security. Just the opposite. You may want to prove to the world that you signed something. Don't confuse these.

  • Alice wants to sign a public message. She already has a public key pair (S,P) and everyone has P.
  • She composes the message to be signed, M.
  • She posts M and ES(M). That is, she posts the message and its encryption using her secret key.
  • Anyone can compute DP(ES(M)) and check that it matches M.
  • Since only Alice could have created such an encrypted form of that message, it must have been from Alice.

The same idea can be used for Alice to prove her identity! All she has to do is sign a message and anyone can verify that the message was signed by her.

Message Digests

Because digital signatures take significant computing time, in practice Alice doesn't sign M, but rather a message digest. A message digest algorithm puts M through a kind of deterministic cuisinart that reduces it to just a small number of bits, say 128 or 256. However, the digest is (essentially) unique, like fingerprints.

Just as your fingerprint is much smaller than you, but just as unique as you are, message digests are smaller but uniquely identify a message.

They have some really cool properties:

  • They're relatively quick to compute.
  • They're essentially unique to a message. (There's only a 1 in 2128 chance that two different messages would have the same digest.)
  • They depend on the entire message. Change just a single character, and the digest changes. So it's like a fingerprint.
  • You can't run them backwards to get the message back. They are one-way functions.

This makes message digests useful for a host of cryptographic techniques. We'll just explore them a little.

Demo of MD5

Something built in to all your Macs is md5. I'll demo using that.

Quiz Question Nr. 1

When Bob signs a message he's sending to Alice, he uses:

  1. Bob's secret key

  2. Bob's public key

  3. Alice's secret key

  4. Alice's public key

Quiz Question Nr. 2

Which of the following is FALSE about message digests:

  1. it is infeasible to find two different messages with the same digest

  2. it is infeasible to modify a message without changing the digest

  3. it is infeasible to recreate a message knowing its digest

  4. it is infeasible to compute the digest for any given message

Exercise Using Digital Signatures

Let's make this a bit more realistic. Use the same partner as you used before in the RSA exercise, so your partner already knows your public key. One of you will be the sender and the other the receiver. The receiver is the one who knows the sender's public key. If both of you know the other's public key, either can be the receiver.

I'll do this on the instructor station while you follow along.

  1. The sender creates a message of some sort.
  2. She uses the SHA-2 page to create a digest of the message.
  3. She generates a digital signature of the digest using her secret, private key
  4. She sends all three of these to the receiver. In our demo, though, we'll just send the MD and the signed MD.
  5. The receiver checks the digital signature of the digest using the sender's public key by copying those two values in to the bottom two fields and clicking the check signature button.

Certificates in Real Life

The public key that your browser downloads is signed by a certificate authority.

This gives you some assurance:

  • that the website is who it says it is, like checking someone's ID card.
  • It doesn't say they are honest and trustworthy
  • only that they aren't someone else.
  • It's a little like a notary public, who checks someone's ID when they sign a document.

Let's look at this page via https!


We'll break up into groups and discuss:

  • Who should prevail: Apple or the government?
  • What's the dividing line between individual privacy and collective security?
  • What about ransomware? How can encryption be used against innocent people?
  • Practical issues for use of strong encryption?


We hope that after these activities you can:

  • understand how encryption and decryption work
  • undertand the difference between private and publick key cryptography
  • the uses of private and public key cryptography


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