We strongly recommend that you read Chapter 11 of the Head First HTML and CSS book as a gentle explanation for this topic. The material in these notes comes from Chapters 11, 12, 13 of the book CSS The Missing Manual.
As you have noticed so far, HTML displays content from top to bottom, with most elements stacked as blocks. Today, we will see how to use CSS to put elements everywhere in the page, in order to create more visually appealing pages.
Most web page designs on the web fall in one of the two types of layout: fixed-width or liquid.
Fixed-width design gives you more control over how your pages will look, but will cause inconvenience for users with small monitor devices (a lot of horizontal scrolling, which people dislike). Liquid designs, which grow or shink to fit a browser window, are better for users, but make things more difficult for you the designer.
Web page layout involves putting content into different regions of the page. In order to do this, the content needs to be in container tags such as: nav, header, section, footer, picture, aside, and the ubiquitous div. Keep in mind though that you don't need to use div if it's not called for. Elements that are displayed as blocks, such as ul, ol, and p can be also moved everywhere in the page.
There are two general techniques used for layout: floats and absolute positioning. Floats are by far the most used, as it allows the layout to be fluid. Also, with float layout, content never overlaps other content, so even if the layout isn't pretty, it's functional. With absolute positioning, you have the power and burden of complete control. We'll look at both in this reading.
To use float, you start with the normal layout of boxes stacked vertically on the page, but you can allow certain elements to move to the side and have other material flow around them. To do that, HTML elements have a property float, which will make the element float to either the left or the right side of the page (your choice). Of course, other material can't flow around it unless it is narrow enough, so we also have to consider the width of the element. We'll look at that, too.
Absolute positioning allows you to place an element anywhere on the page with pixel-like accuracy. To do so, CSS has a position property that you set to absolute, and then use additional properties like left and top to specify the location of the element. This technique doesn't go well with the fluid design, but is good for positioning things like logos, etc. that need always be in a certain place. Absolute positioning is sometimes used in a limited way as part of an overall layout that mostly uses float.
Web page layout with CSS is more of an art than science; there is no formula for marking up your HTML page or creating the CSS. CSS layout is something that you will learn through experience, learning the different CSS propertis, following tutorials, and practicing a lot. What follows in this section is a set of guidelines that can be useful as you start learning about this topic.
In this section, we will show with different examples how to build float-based layouts. Such layouts make use of the float property to position elements side by side and create columns. You can also use float to create a wrapping effect. This is because the floated element is removed from the flow of the document and what comes after it moves up and wraps around the float. (Note: Your book has a very detailed description of what the flow of a document is.)
As you know, an image is an inline element. To remind you of that, look at this example and resize the browser page to see what happens to the images. You also can use Chrome's Inspect Element to notice that <img> is nested within the p.
Now, let us look at the same page after applying the following style rules:
margin: auto;
img { float: right; }
Notice how the images are now strictly on the right side of the document, and the text of the paragraphs wrap around them. The only step that is necessary for this is the last step, but the others are nice, too.
Let us now see what happens when we float a container element, such as a div, figure, footer, etc. Here is the unstyled page, where we put the img inside the figure container. Notice how this time the images are not inline anymore.
If we apply now the floating property to the figure, element, we get the same effect as before, with the distinction that figure already has some default values for the margin assigned by the browser.
The float property takes only three values: left, right, and none. The last value is used when you want to prevent an element from floating. (There is no float: center property; we discussed centering in the reading on the box model.)
float: center
Now that we learned about the property float, let's see how it can be used to create a layout with columns.
In order to have a two-column layout, we need to have two containers which can meaningfully stand next to each other; for example, a section and an aside. Let's add first a aside element to our Hunger Games example. The content will be a header and a list with short lines:
<aside> <h3>Characters</h3> <ul> <li>Katniss Everdeen</li> <li>Peeta Mellark</li> <li>Gale Hawthorne</li> <li>Primrose Everdeen</li> <li>Haymitch Abernathy</li> </ul> </aside>
Then, we apply some minimal style to this element, in order to float on the left side, as shown below, getting this new version.
aside { float: left; border: 1px black solid; padding: 5px; }
Important Note: The width and height of every floated container element depends on the amount of content (text or images) inside the container. This is the shrink-to-fit model. If the list above had had some very long items, so that the list was as wide as the page, the float property would have no effect.
As you see from the screenshot below, the aside box size can be calculated based on the values for margin, border, padding, and content size (e.g. the width: 185px = 0 + 1px + 5px + 173px + 5px + 1px + 0). The 173px comes from the how wide the text in the header and list are. Again, if you have a big paragraph of text in your floated element, it's likely to be as wide as its container, and the floating will have no effect.
If you want the size of the column to be something you desire (e.g., instead of width of 185px, to be 200px), you can do the reverse calculation to find what the width of the content should be, using a simple equation. For example, 200px = 0 + 2*1px + 2*5px + Xpx. Solving this, we get width=188px. This means that in our rule we should set the width: 188px;, in order to get the real size of the column to 200px on the browser page.
width: 188px;
One could do the same for the height, but this is not very useful, because if the adjacent column gets more content, we'll need to recalculate.
Now, to achieve our two-column effect, we simply add a margin to the non-floating element. Here, we add a margin to the section so that the aside floats next to it. Depending on whether the floating column would be on the left or the right side, we need to set margin-left or margin-right to a value slightly larger than the width of the floating column. Since the aside is 185px wide, a margin of 210px should look nice. Therefore, we add the following rule:
section { margin-left: 210px; }
This is how the finished two-column layout looks: our two-column example.
Going from a two-column layout to a three-column layout is a fairly straightforward extension. Can you think of the changes you will need to make to your HTML and CSS code? To challenge yourself, stop reading at this point and go and experiment with the code from the two-column layout (get the files from the links above). Then, check our solution. Here is a summary of the steps we performed:
margin-right: 210px;
Important Note: When using this technique (known as positive margins), the floating elements need to be placed before the main content in the HTML file, otherwise, you will not get the desired effect.
Working with floating elements can often cause unexpected problems. In the following, we will describe two of them together with the solutions.
We saw that one of the things that happens with floats is that other content wraps around them. Often that's what we want, but sometimes it isn't. A problem that occurs often is with the footer element of a page, when the main content is shorter than one of the floating columns. To illustrate this problem, we modified the Hunger Games example to show what happens with the footer. Here is a screen shot: The footer (copyright notice) has moved up, higher than the floating figure and the aside on the right (the District lists).
Fortunately, there is an easy fix for this problem. We add the property clear in the rule of the element we want to stay away from the floats, in our case, footer. What clear means is to move the cleared element down, below any floating elements. Like this:
footer { clear: both; }
After making this change, the footer stays at the bottom of the page.
Another problem occurs when a floating element contained within another element is larger than its container. This becomes obvious when the container has a background color or border. In our ongoing Hunger Games example, we changed the background color of the section element to olive, so that now you can see, in the screenshot below, that the floating element (the figure) had come out of its container (the section). It had always been outside its container, but we just hadn't noticed. The problem created by a floating element bigger than its container.
There are several solutions to this problem, but we will show the two simplest.
<br class="clear">
br.clear {clear: both;}
overflow: hidden;
At the beginning of these notes we mentioned that floats are the most used technique for designing layouts. However, there is another technique, positioning, which has its good uses in particular situations.
We achieve positioning of elements through the property position, which can take these values:
The values absolute and fixed are very similar in their syntax (though they create different effects) and more easy to understand. The value relative is a bit more tricky, because its meaning is not in par with how we use the word in everyday language. To explain these values, we will show in the following an example for each. You should look at the HTML and CSS files of each example to better understand what is going on.
We can use this style to set an element in a desired location in the page, by additionally specifying a horizontal and vertical position using the properties left, right, top, and bottom. These properties specify the distance (in pixels or some other units) from the (0,0) coordinates of some reference container. Usually, the reference container is the viewport (top-left corner of the browser viewing area).
To see this in action we have a modified version of our Hunger Games example, and we will try to position the figure to some other location, as shown in this styled version of the example. This effect was achieved with this CSS code:
figure { position: absolute; top: 350px; left: 500px; border: 1px black solid; padding: 3px; }
Notice how the figure lays on top of the text. This is because by becoming absolute, the other elements are not aware of it anymore, so they cannot flow around it. Additionally, try to resize your browser window. The placement of the figure doesn't change.
Suppose we want to put a caption on the figure, sitting on top of it, instead of below it. In this case, we will need to use the relative position. However to achieve this, we need to do two things:
This new example, creates a caption over the figure with the following code:
figure { position: relative; border: 1px black solid; padding: 3px; width: 400px; }
figcaption { position: absolute; bottom: 15px; left: 4px; right: 4px; color: yellow; background-color: black; opacity: 0.5; text-align: center; font-weight: 200%; padding: 5px; }
So, the bottom and left lengths in the figcaption are measured from the upper left of the figure, not from the window.
This positioning is very similar to the absolute one, with the difference that the element remains in its position all the time, while the rest of the page scrolls up and down. You can think of it as positioning relative to the screen. It is useful for fixing navbars or sidebars in one position. See how the aside element remains fixed in our example, with the code below:
aside { position: fixed; top: 80px; border: 1px black solid; padding: 5px; width: 188px; /* this value will make sure the sidebar box will occupy 200px */ }