CS121 : Introduction to Game Design

Spring 2025
Instructor: Jordan Tynes


Welcome to CS 121!

Each type of engagement is described directly below. Details about each day will be updated frequently.

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    Unless otherwise announced, this portion of the course will take place in person at our assignment classroom. Please show up a few minutes prior to the start of class (see note about grading/evaluation) and be ready to engage in lecture materials and/or accompanying discussion. Readings may be assigned in preparation for or in conjunction with these lectures.
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    Technical Demonstrations:

    You will learn to use various aspects of the Unity Game Engine throughout the term. Technical instruction will be provided during class and, unless otherwise noted, this portion of the course will be recorded and shared for your reference. Attendance is still required so you may fully leverage lab resources.

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    Optional Activities:

    I plan to organize several activities throughout the semester that will be optional, but strongly encouraged. These could include game nights, Twitch streams, events, etc. These will be announced both in-class and via email. Stay tuned!

    Twitch Streams:

    Tuesdays @ 8pm!


Subject to Changes!

Week 1:

Mon. Jan. 20
No Class
Thur. Jan. 23
Welcome to CS121 and Game Design
Assigned Reading:

Chapters 3

Week 2:

Mon. Jan. 27
Intro to Unity
Tech Link:

Intro to Unity

Thur. Jan. 30
The Magic Circle
Assigned Reading:

Chapters 9

Week 3:

Mon. Feb. 3
Cameras & Colliders
Tech Link:

Platformer Demo

Thur. Feb. 6
Assigned Reading:

Chapters 12

Week 4:

Mon. Feb. 10
Audio, UI, & Effects
Tech Link:

Mouse Demo: UI, Prefab Spawner, Particle Systems, Audio, WebGL Build

Thur. Feb. 13
Demos & Intro Unit 2
Assigned Reading:

Chapter 13

Week 5:

Tue. Feb. 18
Set Up Two Minute Game
Tech Link:

Lander Demo: Teleport, Animations

Assigned Reading:

Chapter 23

Thur. Feb. 20
Intro to Scripting
Tech Link:


Week 6:

Mon. Feb. 24
Types of Play
Assigned Reading:

Chapter 24

Thur. Feb. 27
Applied Scripting
Tech Link:


Week 7:

Mon. Mar. 3
Tech Link:


Thur. Mar. 6
Custom UI, Restart Button, Goals, and Key Press
Tech Link:


Week 8:

Mon. Mar. 10
WebGL Build & Lab
Tech Link:


Thur. Mar. 13
Two Minute Game Demos
Assigned Reading:

Chapter 25

Week 9:

Mon. Mar. 24
Narrative and Ideation
Thur. Mar. 27
Games as Cultural Rhetoric
Assigned Reading:

Chapter 26

Week 10:

Mon. Mar. 31
Scripting Movement pt 1
Tech Link:


Assigned Reading:

Chapter 15

Thur. Apr. 3
Scripting Movement pt 2
Tech Link:


Week 11:

Mon. Apr. 7
Movement Audio and Dialog Setup
Tech Link:


Thur. Apr. 10
Dialog System
Tech Link:


Week 12:

Mon. Apr. 14
Load Level
Tech Link:


Thur. Apr. 17
Project Check-in
Assigned Reading:

Wide Walls

Week 13:

Mon. Apr. 21
No Class
Thur. Apr. 24
Lab day

Week 14:

Mon. Apr. 28
Prototype and Feedback
Tech Link:


Thur. May 1
Lab Day
Fri. May 2
Playable Media Showcase!
Time TBD