Welcome to CS 200

Java Studio at Wellesley College

Information about the course

Class: Thursdays 2:20 PM - 5:00 PM in SCI L180
Instructor: Prof Catherine Delcourt
Office hours: in SCI L180 2-4pm on Mondays
Teaching Assistants: There are two TAs who will provide support for CS200.

Description from the course browser:
CS200 introduces students to Java, and the Object Oriented Model of programming with hands-on instruction and experience, using active learning pedagogical approaches. Students will gain knowledge and reinforcement in fundamental programming and programming-related skills, including problem decomposition into smaller and more manageable sub-problems, designing in the Object Oriented Model, programming in Java, practicing fundamental constructs like conditionals, looping, usage of basic Data Structures, as well as debugging and testing techniques. In addition, attention will be paid in developing skills around project management, pair and team work, and identifying and evaluating reliable resources for the task at hand. With successful completion of this course, students are expected to be independent programmers and learners, and effective team members.

Fulfillment of the Quantitative Reasoning (QR) component of the Quantitative Reasoning & Data Literacy requirement. Prior background with computers is expected - CS111 or CS112, or permission of the instructor. Not open to students who have taken CS 230 or any 300 level CS courses