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Review: .play

The quickest way to produce sound in SuperCollider is to use the .play method from Function. The function should output a UGen or array of UGens to be played back by the audio server.


It turns out that behind the scenes .play does several things. It defines an instrument based on the contents of the function, sends that information to the audio server, and then sends a message to the server to play an instance of that instrument. The initial definition of the instrument is called a SynthDef. SynthDefs are the way to create instruments and effects in SuperCollider. SynthDefs are some of the more complicated pieces of machinery in SuperCollider.

In the documentation of Function, you will note under the .play method that "play wraps the UGens in a SynthDef and sends it to the target". The target by default is the audio server. .play is just a convenience method to make a SynthDef and play it simultaneously.

Below is our first example of a SynthDef. It is semantically equivalent to {, mul: 0.1) ! 2}.play. A SynthDef takes two arguments: a name for the definition as a symbol and a function.

The end of every SynthDef should contain a UGen called Out. This UGen takes two arguments: a bus and a channel array. The purpose of Out is to specify where to send the outputted signal. Busses are a means of routing audio signals through different paths. The term comes from analog mixers. For now, we want to hear the signal out of our speakers. For most systems, the default output bus is zero. A more complete discussion of busses will follow later in this notebook. The output signal is simply the same signal that we would typically output using .play for a function. Here the variable sig makes explicit what is being passed to Out.

The .play method for a SynthDef accomplishes the same purpose as .play for a function. It creates the definition, sends it to the audio server, and then triggers the server to play an instance of that instrument instantly.

Separating Definition from Playing using .add

It turns out that .play for either a SynthDef or a Function is limiting. Many times we want to be able to separate the definition of an instrument from the playing of the instrument in much the same way that we do not always want to define a function and invoke it immediately in a program. To simply register the instrument with the audio server, we would use the .add method for a SynthDef

Note that you should not hear anything. We've only defined the instrument. We have not played it.


To play the instrument, we need to create an instance of that instrument. These instances are called Synths. To create an instance of our instrument \sineWave. We simply pass the name of the instrument into Synth.

So far we have learned that Command+Period is the only way to stop sound in SuperCollider. It is a brute force method though because it stops all sound on the audio server. What if we wanted to stop just one specific sound? To do so, we should capture our synths using a variable. When you are ready to stop the sound, you can simply free the synth from the audio server using a variable.

It turns out we can also do this with .play for a function as well. The object returned by .play is a Synth that we can free.

Setting Arguments to a SynthDef

We can also write arguments for a SynthDef in the same way we use arguments for a function. The difference now between \sineArgs and \sine is that \sineArgs can create a sine wave of any frequency and of any amplitude. By default, if the user does not pass in an argument when they create a Synth for \sineArgs, the frequency will be 440Hz with an amplitude of 0.1.

If we want to create a Synth with different arguments, we need to pass an array of arguments to Synth with the name of the argument followed by its value.

Changing Sound Dynamically using .set

We can also change the sound dynamically as it is playing using the .set method of Synth. Here, we pass a series of comma-separated values with the name of the argument followed by its value.

Be Careful with Reexcution of Synths

A common mishap occurs when re-executing Synths. For example, run the cell below twice in a row and then attempt to free the Synth. You will notice that the sine wave still plays. By running the cell twice, two synths are created on the server. The variable x is reassigned to latter synth object. That synth is freed but the first synth is not assigned to any variable. Therefore, there is no way to free it. The only way to stop the sine wave is by using Command+Period or a similar brute force method like rebooting the server or interpreter.

Exercise: \pulse

Below write a simple SynthDef called \pulse that plays back a stereo bandlimited pulse wave using Pulse. The SynthDef should accept three arguments: a frequency with a default value of 440Hz, an amplitude with a default value of 0.1, and a duty cycle with a default value of 0.5.

Create an instance of \pulse with a frequency of 300Hz, amplitude of 0.05, and duty cycle of 0.75. Then change the sound dynamically by setting the frequency to 600Hz after creating it. Free the sound when you are done.

Exercise: \sineTri

Write a SynthDef that takes arguments for frequency, amplitude and a blend factor and outputs a mix between a sine wave and a triangle wave. To do so, you will need to make use of the UGen XFade2. XFade2 takes any two signals and blends them together. The third argument to XFade2 is a number between -1 and 1 where -1 is all of the signal passed to the first argument, 1 is all of the signal passed to second argument, and 0 is an even mix between the two. The output signal should be stereo and scaled by the amplitude.

Debugging Tip: .poll

The method .poll can be applied to any UGen. When the method is applied and a synth is instantiated, the post window will output the values of the UGen at a fast, regular clip.


SuperCollider has a helpful GUI to show the active synths playing on the audio server. Try it below and play some synths.

By default, all synths are put into the default group. The default group can also contain other groups which can contain any number of synths or groups. Groups are useful because you can send the same message to all synths within the group. For example, you can free instruments from the group. SuperCollider assigns a unique number for each Synth which can be found to the left of the synth name.


Groups are a way to organize synths and can contain other groups or synths. By default, every group or synth is placed in the "Default Group" as can be seen in the Plot Tree example above. Groups can be powerful organizational tools because they allow a single message to be sent to all of its elements.

To create a group, we use the object Group and pass in the location of where to place the group called the target.

To add synths to the group, we need to specify in the creation of the synth where to place it. This is called the target.

Exercise: Two Groups

Create two groups on the default server: one that has a sine wave of 400Hz and one that has two sine waves of 600Hz and 800Hz. Write code that can free each group individually.


A bus is a way to route information in SuperCollider. We can send one or more signals to a bus and have that information routed to a particular destination like our speakers or an audio effect. When multiple signals are sent to the same bus, those signals are summed together.

The UGen Out from earlier sends a signal to a bus. In that example, the bus was 0. All busses in sclang are represented as numbers. SuperCollider allocates 1024 busses for audio rate transmission of data.

By default, SuperCollider sets the output device (i.e., your speakers) to be the default audio output of your computer. You can change that, especially if you have a complicated audio setup. Audio busses are numbered starting at zero. The first set of busses correspond to the number of audio outputs for your output device. For most people, the number of audio outputs for a given output device is two: one for the left speaker and one for the right speaker. Therefore, the left and right speakers corresponds to busses 0 and 1, respectively.

The next set of busses is for your default audio input device, usually the built-in microphone on your computer. Again the default is usually two to capture stereo audio input. Those input channels are set to busses 2 and 3. The busses after 3 are available for your program to use to route audio.

Opening up the audio meter helps confirm that our current audio setup has two input busses and two output busses.

Multichannel Busses

Most audio signals are stereo. Recall that stereo audio signals are passed using an array of two channels. You'll notice with the \sine example that an array of two channels was passed to a single audio bus (i.e., 0). Instinctually, we might expect to hear audio only in the left speaker because we never sent anything to bus 1, the typical destination of the right speaker. Nevertheless, we do.

It turns out that audio signals that are an array of channels are sent through adjacent bus indices. Each bus supports only a mono signal (i.e., 1 channel). Therefore, index 1 of sig in the example below is indeed sent to Bus 1 even though it is not explicitly stated.

Out is deceptive in the sense that the user only provides a single integer for a bus index regardless of how many channels constitute the signal. Because signals are adjacent, any array of signals is laid out in contiguous order.

Declaring Busses

A common need for busses is to send audio signals to some sort of effect. We generally take some sound source like a sawtooth wave or an audio file perhaps and route the output to some effect like reverb or delay to color the sound before sending it to our speakers. We will use our SynthDef \sineArgs from above but with a slight modification. We'll also make the output bus an argument as well. By default, we will set it to zero but we shall see shortly that we will need to change the destination bus to send it to an effect.

Now we need to create an audio effect. Here we will create an effect called a Frequency Shift which we will use to add 200Hz to every partial in the sound. To do so, we will use a UGen called FreqShift. We will talk more about Frequency Shifting when we discuss amplitude modulation.

Our effect needs to be able to read the input source signal. To do so, we use the UGen In. In takes two arguments: a bus to read from and the number of channels to read. In our example below, we will define an argument called in for the bus which the user can set. The number of channels we expect to read from is 2 because our effect will be designed to accept stereo signals. Therefore, our second argument to In will be 2. Because we are asking for a stereo input signal, we will actually read from the integer in and the integer in + 1.

Now that we have a sound source and an effect, we need to connect them together. To do so, we need to reserve two audio busses to route our stereo signal from \sineArgsWithOut to \add200. The UGen Bus allocates any number of contiguous busses for private use. We will want to create an audio bus since we will be sending audio signals. We will also need to specify the server (i.e., s) and the number of busses we will need (i.e., 2).

The variable ~bus now has a Bus object. The post window shows when the above line is evaluated that we have created an audio bus. The second of those comma-delineated values is the lowest bus number. In most cases, that will be 4 which is the first available bus after the default output busses of 0 and 1 and the default input busses of 2 and 3.

It is important not only to free synths to reduce computational resources on the server but also to free audio busses as there are only a finite number of them.

Order of Execution

Suppose we innocently change the order of the creation of the synths ~effect and ~sine like below. Do we hear any sound?

Open up the plot tree and run the code again. Notice how the ~effect synth \add200 is on top of the ~sine synth \sineArgsWithOut. It turns out the order matters!

SuperCollider processes each synth in a top-down order. The issue is that \add200 attempts to read its input before \sineArgsWithOut has a chance to send its output. Therefore, the ordering of the synths needs to be rearranged. By default, SuperCollider adds the latest synth to the top of the tree. That's why we see ~effect precede ~sine.

When you create a synth or a group you can specify a relationship to some other node in the tree to make your order explicit. Here we would like to say that the ~effect synth should come after our ~sine synth. Recall that a synth can accept a target as its third argument. If we provide a fourth argument, then we can specify a relationship to the target. Below we use one of several uniquely defined relationships to express the relationship of ~effect to the target ~sine. Now we hear audio!

There are several different kinds of relationships we can express. See the discussion of Synth for more details.

Exercise: Sketching a PlotTree

Below figure out the plot tree from the following code. Sketch it on a piece of paper. Then run the code and examine the plot tree to see if it matches your expectations.

Fun Example Putting It All Together