• Why is having HTML elements overlap useful?

    Great question. It's pretty rare. However, if you've ever seen a drop-down menu occlude the stuff behind it, you've seen overlapping HTML elements. So, it has its role.

  • Is Flexbox being used for all sites nowadays since being accessible from mobile devices seems important for most websites? When would we not want to use it?

    Yes! This is exactly right. Flexbox became important with the advent of mobile devices and the decline of desktop. (Flexbox and the even newer grid layouts.)

    Flexbox is important if you might want to switch between narrow, mobile-centric layout for smaller devices and wider layouts for larger devices, like laptops and desktops. We'll learn how to do that next time.

    If you just want a standard vertical layout, you might not need the extra machinery of flexbox. But it's good to know.

  • could you explain why you set
    main {
      flex: 1 1 auto;
    instead of
    main {
      flex: 1 0 auto;
    when you only want main to grow and not shrink?"

    The flex property is a shorthand for three specific properties in this order:

    So, your question is a good one, but I don't see where it says that in the reading. Maybe you misread something?

  • I would like to talk more about Positioning on a Grid. x 5

    Sure, I'm happy to talk about this.

  • Why do we want to position the ancestor using position: relative and use position: absolute for the child?

    Because those are the rules of this particular game. If you think the naming is unintuitive, I won't disagree. But, unfortunately, we don't get to change the naming.

  • the readings are making a lot more sense now! / The reading was pretty straightforward, I enjoyed it!

    I'm glad!

  • No questions at the moment-- I think some of the concepts might just take practice.

    For sure! Our next assignment will let us practice with both.