Is Flexbox being used for all sites nowadays since being accessible from mobile devices seems important for most websites? When would we not want to use it? I would like to talk more about Positioning on a Grid. Why is having HTML elements overlap useful? still dont quite get positioning I am still a bit confused about position: absolute and position: relative, and the coordinate system Why do we want to position the ancestor using position: relative and use position: absolute for the child? still a bit confused on positioning since it seemed like a lot all at once Can you talk more about position:relative? I'm confused about how to use it. "could you explain why you set main { flex: 1 1 auto; } instead of main { flex: 1 0 auto; } when you only want main to grow and not shrink?" the readings are making a lot more sense now! / The reading was pretty straightforward, I enjoyed it! No questions at the moment-- I think some of the concepts might just take practice.