honestly i'm really confused about the "data-" attribute thing, i'm sure we'll review more in class but if you can clarify this a bit more--i think it just went over my head / I'm still a little confused about data attributes. / Can you explain why the attribute name needs to start with data-? / I am still a bit confused about the meaning of the use of data attributes, can we have more elaborations on that please? The first question was really hard for me to understand, what is the difference btn 'data-x' and .attr(). how is 'data-x' defines as an attribute? What other elements have default actions and what are they? In what cases does prevent default not work? Do custom attributes that do not start with data exist? What’s there functionality and why are they not preferred exactly? What would be the difference between using .click() and ….(“click”,) "2. In this snippet of code: function masHandler(evt) { console.log(evt); evt.preventDefault(); alert(""MAS is very cool""); } what does console.log(evt) do? " Difference between preventDefault() vs event.preventDefault()? Could you clarify/provide an example of thumbLinks in the reading? Thank you so much! A bit unclear on what one() and attr() are doing. Particularly this part: "The one() method checks that the wrapped set is exactly one element (assuming you've loaded my bounds plugin). The attr() method reads an attribute off the element."