
  1. I think I understood HTML better than Unix. I would like to hear other people's questions because at this point I cannot think of any.


  2. Do you have any ways to remember all of the different tags and syntax in HTML? / Do you have any suggestions for remembering all of the tags? I think I understand when each is to be used but am concerned I wont remember them all.

    Create a "cheat sheet" for yourself. Keep it short. Distinguish between tags you use often (P, UL, LI, A, EM) and tags that are boilerplate that you just copy when needed (I'll give you a template).

  3. What's a good practice to keep track of the structure of the HTML code we are writing?

    VS Code will help with indentation and colorizing.

  4. What does a generic inline container mean and what is its function? / I am still a bit confused about the difference between 'div' and 'span'. / the difference between DIV and SPAN tags / Difference between different tags, inline and other elements, and how to decide which tag to use.

    This is always a tough issue. I drafted something new this morning. Let's check it out: block elements versus inline

  5. The HTML flowchart. / I am a little confused about the graph about what tags to use that is at the bottom of the reading. Could you please explain it in a little bit simpler way?

    Sure, let's take a look

  6. How are div used, and if div becomes difficult to read, what is used to structure and section a web page? / Will we use the <div> tag any in this class or will we only be using semantic tags?

    We still use DIV, but we try to be sparing with it, using semantic tags when possible/reasonable.

  7. Just examples of how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can altogether put together a web page!

    We'll see lots!

  8. I want to know more about the CSS part to do personalized styles.

    Next week, I promise