
  1. Could you please go over the basic features of Bootstrap (especially those in w3school readings) in class again? Thank you so much!

    Sure. It's basically a lot (a lot) of predefined CSS classes. Instead of learning the CSS language, you learn the Bootstrap language. But, hopefully, the Bootstrap language is a bit higher-level, combining CSS properties and values in useful ways.

    Furthermore, once you've labeled your HTML with Bootstrap classes, you can always tinker with them.

    Plus, there are pre-fab things like cards, which you can use in lots of nice ways. We could use them in the Quizzes assignment (but we won't).

    If there are other things you'd like me to review, please ask!

  2. can you explain the importance/use of all the different file imports and tags at the start of the file? There's a lot now and I'm not sure what all is class specific vs necessary any webpage to run.

    Yeah, it is a lot, isn't it? Let's look at the complex setup together.

  3. If you leave a base column unused with the Bootstrap grid system, does it just appear as a blank column?

    Sorta. They are usually left-justified, so the blank column would be at the end. However, there are offsets if you want the blank column in the middle.

  4. The Bootstrap Grid

    Let's look briefly at the grid system and then at a few examples

  5. Can Bootstrap 4's grid system be used to vertically position DOM elements?

    No, I don't think so. It's about horizontal layout, not vertical positioning.