Constructors, this, Methods and Bind

Please read pages 183 to the end of the chapter.

If you don't have the book, here's a link to a copy of a scan of the chapter. To respect the author's copyright, the link is only valid on-campus or with a password. Ask Scott if you don't have that password.

FEWD Chapter 8

This reading is supplemental to Chapter 8. We'll look at constructing object using new, learn more about the keyword this, and the magic of the bind() method on functions.

Invoking a Constructor

As you know, a constructor should be invoked with the keyword new in front of it. Like this invocation:

var george = new Account("george",500);

(This version of bank accounts require specifying the owner.)

The new keyword causes a new, empty, object to be created, with its prototype set to the prototype property of the constructor.

What happens if we forget the new keyword? Open up a JS console for this page and try the following:

var fred = Account("fred",500);

Print the value of fred. Print the value of balance.

What happened? Here's a screenshot from when I did it:

invoking a constructor function without 'new'

The balance global variable is initially undefined. The fred variable is undefined, because Account returns no value, and balance is a new global variable, because this meant the global object (essentially, window).

All because we forgot the new keyword!

FYI, if you want to protect against this error, make your constructor like this:

function Account(init) {
    if( this === window ) {
        throw new Error("you forgot the 'new' keyword");
    this.balance = init;

The this keyword in normal functions

Here's another aspect of the weird properties of this. In normal functions, the keyword this is bound to window. Try it:

function this_vs_window() {
    if( this === window ) {
    } else {

Here's the screenshot:

this is the same as window in a function call

Basic Method Invocation

As we saw earlier, methods have access to this. Here's the example, using the old OOP syntax. Here, Foo is a constructor function (notice this capital letter), and sum is a method on objects of class Foo. The method returns the sum of the two arguments, plus the z instance variable.

function Foo(z) {
    this.z = z;

Foo.prototype.sum = function (x,y) { return x+y+this.z; };

var f1 = new Foo(1);
f1.sum(2,3);   // returns 6

The syntactic rule is that whenever we invoke a method, the special keyword this gets bound to the object, which is the thing to the left of the dot.

Method Invocation Bug

Here's a way that method invocation and the value of this can get messed up. Imagine we add a method to our bank account that will help us set up a donation button on a page. That is, it'll add an event handler to the button that will deposit 10 galleons into the account. Here's our attempt:

Let's take a moment to understand that code:

  1. The method is going to add some code as an event handler to a button.
  2. The button's ID is passed in to the method.
  3. The event handler (which is invoked when the button is clicked) adds 10 galleons to this account.

So far, so good.

Let's use this new method to create a donation page for poor Ron. Here's the button and its code:

Here's the code to add a button handler to help Ron:

Try it! Click the button to help Ron, and look in the JS console at the error message. Here's the screenshot of the error I got:

Error when we click on the button to help Ron

The error is a little hard to understand. It literally says "this.deposit is not a function". But in our code above, in add_donation_handler, the keyword this seems to be the bank account. But what happened is that, in the event handler, the value of this is the button element that was clicked on, not the value it had in the add_donation_handler method (namely, Ron's bank account).

The trouble arises because this is constantly changing value. Here, the event handler was invoked, which is a function call, and (as we learned earlier in this reading), this changes: Rather like the pronoun me which means a different thing for each person who says it.

this is Slippery

The value of this changes:

  • when a function is called
  • when a method is called
  • when an instance is created with new

Closures to the Rescue

Hang on, isn't the event handler actually a closure? Yes, it is. It has two non-local variables, namely buttonId and this. The buttonId variable has its proper value, but not this.

That's because this is special: It is not closed over.

However, any variable can be closed over, but this is not a variable, it's a special keyword.

Traditionally, JavaScript programmers use the variable that as a varible to hold the value of this. Here's an example:

The code is nearly identical to our earlier add_donation_handler method. The difference is that we create a local variable called that, assign the value of this to it, and then create the event handler referring to that instead of this.

Here's the button and its code:

Here's the code to add a button handler to help Ron:

It works! Try clicking the button, and you'll see that each click increases Ron's balance. You can also open the JS console and check his balance yourself. Here's what I saw after clicking the button twice:

the ron bank account after two clicks

So the that trick works.

The bind method

The need for the that trick is so common that JavaScript added a method to the language to solve it in a general way, without tricks like that.

Note that this is a method on functions. We've looked at methods on date objects, strings, numbers and more, but this is a method on functions.

If I take any function and invoke the bind method on it, it returns a new function that has the given value as the value of this. Here's an example:

f = function () { this.deposit(10); };

g = f.bind(ron);

If you invoke f, you'll get an error, because this has no value. If you invoke g, it'll successfully add 10 to Ron's bank account.

Try it in a JavaScript console! Copy/paste the definitions of f and g and then invoke them. Here's a screenshot of what I got, showing Ron's balance before and after, the error from f and the success with g:

f() gets an error, but g() works

Go back and compare f with the event handler in add_donation_handler, you'll see that they are the same (if you remove all the console.log and alert statements). So the bind method will solve our trouble without having to use that. Here's how:

The code using bind is nearly identical to our first attempt, except near the end, where the anonymous function that is the argument to .click() has .bind() invoked on it, to nail down the value of this.

What's weird and confusing about the code is that we are binding the value of this (inside the anonyous function) to the current value of this (outside the anonymous function). So it sounds like a tautology, like saying x=x. It's not a tautology because of the slippery nature of this. We know that, without using bind, the value of this would change from the outside to the inside.

Let's try it. Here's our last button to help Ron:

Here's the code to add a button handler to help Ron:

So, using bind is simple and easy. It just hard to understand, because what it's doing is so very, very abstract.

What bind does

Let's recap:

  • bind is a method on functions
  • its argument is a value for this
  • bind returns a different function
  • the return value is just like the argument function except that is has a fixed value for this

Here's an almost silly example. It's silly because you'd never do this in real life. It's useful because it shows how bind fixes a value for this. ["fix" in the sense of "fasten securely in place" rather than "repair"]

function what_is_this() {
    return this;

var the_other = what_is_this.bind(5);

x = what_is_this();
y = the_other();


Here's what I get when I copy/paste that code into the JS console:

a silly example of bind

The first return value is "window" as we saw at the top of this reading. The second is 5, because we used bind to nail down that value.

Copy/paste the silly example yourself.

The real-life uses of bind are what we saw with the button to help Ron: we had a function that needed to refer to this but we knew that the value of this would change, so we needed to nail it down.

The Bug from Chapter 8

Our book created a common and tricky bug to illustrate this subtle issue with this and method invocation. They did an excellent job of setting up the bug and motivating the use of bind in only a few lines of code. We'll go over it again in class, but here's some preparation:

Buggy code

The situation with the buggy code on page 183 is inside a method definition, so we have a value for this but then we want to invoke a method on some other object, and that changes the value of this:

// This is the buggy version from page 183
Truck.prototype.printOrders_buggy = function () {
  var customerIdArray = Object.keys(this.db.getAll());

  console.log('Truck #' + this.truckId + ' pending orders:');
  // here's where the bug is
  customerIdArray.forEach(function (id) {

Here's the code again, re-written to use the ES6 class syntax, but retaining the bug:

class Truck {
    printOrders_buggy () {
        var customerIdArray = Object.keys(this.db.getAll());

        console.log('Truck #' + this.truckId + ' has pending orders:');
        // here's where the bug is
        customerIdArray.forEach(function (id) {

As you can see, the code of the method is identical; it's just associated with the objects in a different way.


Chapter 8 also covers how to use the Chrome debugger. I've broken this topic out into a separate reading on the debugger