JavaScript Methods

In this reading about JavaScript methods, we will be using methods for several kinds of objects, but not defining or implementing methods. We'll also talk about JS object literals as collections of data, but not yet in the sense of supporting method invocation.

Our first example will be to use the JavaScript Date object, which is built into the language.

Displaying the Date Dynamically

We can display the current date and time on a web page. For example:

You loaded this page on at

If you reload this page, you'll notice that the date and time change appropriately.

Before we explain the JavaScript code that can do this, we need to understand how time is represented in JavaScript. We begin by creating a Date object:

var dateObj2 = new Date(); 

As we've seen before, the keyword var in var dateObj2 creates a new variable named dateObj2 for storing a value. What we haven't seen before is the keyword new, which causes a JavaScript object to be created. In this case, the object represents the current date and time. JavaScript comes equipped with a few pre-defined object types like Date.

We can extract information from a Date object by invoking methods on it. The table below shows some of the important methods that Date objects understand. The elements of the Value column are dynamically computed by evaluating the JavaScript expressions in the Expression column, so reloading the page will update these appropriately.

Expression Value Notes
dateObj2.getFullYear() Full year
dateObj2.getYear() Avoid this! Varies from browser to browser
dateObj2.getMonth() 0=Jan, 1=Feb, ..., 11=Dec
dateObj2.getDate() 1 to 31
dateObj2.getDay() 0=Sun, 1=Mon, ..., 6=Sat
dateObj2.getHours() 0 to 23
dateObj2.getMinutes() 0 to 59
dateObj2.getSeconds() 0 to 59
dateObj2.getTime() Milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 (the "epoch")


Dates are examples of objects. In JavaScript, an object is a kind of value that has two important characteristics:

  • state, which is given by what JavaScript calls properties.
  • behaviors, which are specified by what JavaScript calls methods.

Both properties and methods are selected from an object using dot notation. In the examples above, the variable dateObj2 contains a date object. The expression to the left of the dot in dateObj2.getDate() is a variable, dateObj2, that contains a date object. To the right of the dot is the name of the thing we want to compute based on the object. In this case, we invoke the getDate() method, which returns the numerical day of the month in a date object. (You can tell we're calling a method rather than selecting a property by the presence of parentheses after the name.)

W3 Schools has a complete list of Date methods

Date Formatting

Now let's return to our date and time display. A date object contains a collection of information about the date and time, but for human-readability, we will need to format that data in some conventional way, using, for example, slashes and commas to separate the various numbers.

Here is JavaScript code that creates the correct string and pops up an alert box to display it. (Next time, we'll look at how to insert it into the document using the DOM). Click the blue button to run the code. You can also copy/paste it into a JS Console.

Let's examine the code. The first statement creates a Date object representing the current date and time, and stores it in a variable named dateObj. Subsequent statements extract components of this Date object and piece them together.

As shown below, we could get by with only the single variable dateObj. Although the other variables are not strictly necessary, they can help to make the code more readable. Note that there's nothing special about naming the variable dateObj. We could have called it anything else, such as today or now or fred (but fred would not be a good name, since it wouldn't suggest the meaning or value of the data).

var dateObj = new Date();

var current_date = ( (dateObj.getMonth() + 1) + "/"
                             + dateObj.getDate() + "/"
                             + dateObj.getFullYear());
var current_time = ( dateObj.getHours() + ":"
                             + dateObj.getMinutes() + ":"
                             + dateObj.getSeconds());

Other Date Functions

The earlier date manipulation code was all numerical. That's partly because JavaScript is used around the world, and they decided not to have a built-in function to map month zero to January when it could just as easily have been Janvier (French), Enero (Spanish) or Styczen (Polish).

Despite this, let's implement a simple function that maps month-numbers (ranging from 0 to 11) to English month-names. Try it out:

How would you print the name of the month 10 months from now?

Methods on Different Objects

We've used the example of dates to teach you about:

  • Objects (encapsulations of data and methods to operate on it)
  • methods (ways to extract or modify the data in an object)

Lots of other objects and methods exist in JavaScript, including on built-in types like numbers and strings. Later in the course, we'll learn how to define our own objects with their own custom methods.

Here's another method, this time on numbers, the toFixed() method. Note that you'll have to open the JavaScript console to see the output, but using the console allows you to see all the results at once. This reading will typically use console.log rather than alert from now on, so you might find it useful to keep the JavaScript console open as you read this material. (You should read this on a real computer, not a phone, so you actually have a JavaScript console and can run the examples by clicking the "execute it" buttons.)

The toFixed() method returns a string representation of the number, with the number of decimal places given by the argument. It does not change the value of the variable, as the last step shows.

Array Methods

Here are some handy methods for JavaScript arrays. You don't need to learn all of these now, though we will use some of them later in the course. For now, it's sufficient to get a little practice with using methods on different kinds of objects. Some of these methods may remind you of ones you learned in Python (such as .push() and .pop().

Note that we've already learned two important array methods: .map(callback) and .forEach(callback), both of which take callback functions as argument. Remember that a "callback function" is just a function that is passed as an argument to a method.

  • push adds a new element onto the end of an array
  • pop removes and returns the last element of the array
  • shift removes the first element of an array
  • unshift adds an element onto the front
  • indexOf searches for an element and returns its index (-1 if not found)
  • splice optionally removes some elements and optionally inserts some
  • slice copies an array

Try them out. Click the button and then look in the JS console for the result.

The forEach method

Remember from our introduction to JavaScript that arrays also have a forEach method that takes a function as its argument, invoking the function for each element of the array. The function is invoked with 3 arguments: the array item, its index in the array, and the array. (You don't usually need the last argument.)

Here's another example of that method.

JavaScript Object Literals

It's now time to return to talking about JavaScript Objects in general rather than just date objects.

As described earlier, in JavaScript, an object is a collection of data (properties and methods). This collection can be arbitrarily complex, including having other objects inside the containing object (much like a folder can contain other folders), but for now let's keep it simple. This is just like Python's dictionary data type.

An object is a collection of properties (also called keys) and values. We use the properties (keys) to look up the values. We'll use the terms properties and keys interchangeably

We'll ignore methods for now and focus on properties.

Let's be concrete. Imagine that we have an object to keep track of a user's info, including their name, year of graduation and whether they're going to the party. So, the three properties will be:

  1. name
  2. gradYear
  3. going

We'll begin with a particular person, Alice, who is the class of 2019 and is going to the party. We'll store all that info in a single object and we'll store the object in a variable called person1. We can make a second object about another person, Betty.

Consider the following JavaScript code:

var person1 = {name: "Alice", gradYear: 2019, going: "yes"};
var person2 = {name: "Betty", gradYear: 2020, going: "no"};

Try copy/pasting that code into a JavaScript console. Look at the resulting objects:

> person1
> person2

Given those objects, how can we use them? We can use dot notation to read or update the data in the dictionaries:

console.log('Alice graduates in ',person1.gradYear);
console.log(, 'graduates in ',person2.gradYear);

// Betty has decided to go to the party after all:
person2.going = "yes";

// Betty took a leave and is graduating later:

JavaScript even has a cool console.dir feature that breaks out all the properties into separate, clickable things. This is particularly useful for big, complicated objects, such as windows. Try it:

> console.dir(person1)
> console.dir(window)

Let's repeat those assignment statements

var person1 = {name: "Alice", gradYear: 2019, going: "yes"};
var person2 = {name: "Betty", gradYear: 2020, going: "no"};

The things on the right hand side are called object literals. The syntax of an object literal is an opening brace, a series of property/value pairs separated by commas, and a closing brace. Each property/value pair consists of a property (which follows the same rules as the names of variables), a colon, and a value. The value can be any JavaScript value, such as a number, string, or another object. Here's an abstract example like the above:

var personN = {prop1: value1, prop2: value2, prop3: value3};

Each of these object literals has three property/value pairs, but a JavaScript object can have any number of pairs, including none:

  var empty_person = {};

Comparison with Python's Dictionaries

I said that JavaScript's objects are just like Python's dictionaries. Let's remind ourselves about how Python works with dictionaries. The following is Python code:

p1 = {'name': 'Alice', 'gradYear': 2019, 'going': 'no'}
p2 = {'name': 'Betty', 'gradYear': 2020, 'going': 'no'}
p1['going'] = 'yes'

You're welcome to test that by copy/pasting it into a Python interpreter. Click the following to show/hide it:

Python 3.6.9 (default, Nov 11 2019, 11:24:16) 
>>> p1 = {'name': 'Alice', 'gradYear': 2019, 'going': 'no'}
>>> p2 = {'name': 'Betty', 'gradYear': 2020, 'going': 'no'}
>>> p1['going'] = 'yes'
>>> print(p1['name'])
>>> print(p1['going'])
>>> print(p2['name'])

Here's the same code in JavaScript. Note that I've made a couple of small changes, so that it looks even more like the Python syntax, namely I've put string quotes around the keys (properties). In Python, those quotation marks are required, but in JavaScript they are optional and are usually omitted.

p1 = {'name': 'Alice', 'gradYear': 2019, 'going': 'no'};
p2 = {'name': 'Betty', 'gradYear': 2020, 'going': 'no'};
p1['going'] = 'yes';

Except for putting semi-colons at the end of the statements, and using console.log() instead of print() the code is identical. So, if you understand Python dictionaries, you understand JavaScript Objects.

Dot Notation

But what about the dot notation we learned earlier? Let's repeat our last JavaScript example, but with the dot notation as well as the square bracket and string literal notation:

p1 = {'name': 'Alice', 'gradYear': 2019, 'going': 'no'};
p1['going'] = 'yes';
console.log(p1['going']);  // prints yes
console.log(p1.going);     // prints yes

So, both p1['going'] and p1.going print 'yes'. The latter is a shortcut that avoids a lot of punctuation.

But here's the crucial point: the shortcut only works when we know the name of the property we want. (In this case, going).

Most of the time, we will know the property we want in advance, so the dot notation is simple and easy.

Unknown Properties

When would you not know the name of the property? I can describe some situations, but maybe one you are already familiar with is a loop over all the properties, maybe in order to print them all.

Let's see that in Python first:

p1 = {'name': 'Alice', 'gradYear': 2019, 'going': 'no'}
for k in p1.keys():

The expression p1[k] means to look up a key in the dictionary in p1 where the name of the key is in the variable k. So, it's a variable rather than a constant like name or gradYear.

That Python code would print:


In JavaScript, it's conceptually similar. There's a built-in object called Object that has a method keys that will return an array of all the keys (properties) in a object given as an argument to the method. Then we can use the .forEach method on the returned array to print each value in the object. You can copy/paste the following into a JS console to see it work:

var p1 = {'name': 'Alice', 'gradYear': 2019, 'going': 'no'};
var p1_keys = Object.keys(p1);
p1_keys.forEach(function (k) { console.log(p1[k])});

Note that p1_keys holds an array of strings, specifically the keys of the object p1 or ['name', 'gradYear', 'going'].

The part to pay attention to is where we said p1[k], which is exactly the same as the Python code. To repeat:

The expression p1[k] means to look up a key in the dictionary in p1 where the name of the key is in the variable k. So, it's a variable rather than a constant like name or gradYear.

The shortcut works if and only if the name of the property is a known constant.

Object Operations

Most of this section will be familiar to you if you remember how dictionaries work in Python, though I will often use the dot notation instead of the more cumbersome square bracket and string literal notation.

Given an object, there are a few things you might want to do to it:

  • Retrieve the value associated with a property
  • Modify the value associated with a property
  • Add a new property/value pair
  • Remove a property/value pair

Here are some specific examples of those operations with the person1 object. Copy/paste these into the JavaScript console to see them in action.

var person1 = {name: "Alice", gradYear: 2019, going: "yes"};

// retrieving two values:
console.log(" will graduate in "+person1.gradYear);

// modifying one value
person1.going = "no";  // something came up

// add a new property/value pair
person1.dorm = "Pom";

// retrieve two values:
console.log(" lives in "+person1.dorm);

// remove a property/value pair

You'll notice that the way we add a new property/value pair is identical to the way we modify an existing property/value pair: just an assignment statement. That's because JavaScript creates the property if necessary, and then updates the value.

In practice, removing a property/value pair is rarely done, so we really only need to remember two operations: getting and setting.

Here are two assignment statements that demonstrate both getting and setting. On the right hand side, we get a value out of one object and on the left hand side we set a value of an object.

var person1 = {name: "Alice", gradYear: 2019, going: "yes", dorm:"Pom"};
var person2 = {name: "Betty", gradYear: 2020, going: "no", dorm:"Caz"};
// Betty moves to Alice's dorm
person2.dorm = person1.dorm;

// Alice decides to delay her graduation by a year:
person1.gradYear = person1.gradYear + 1;

The syntax for getting and setting look the same: a variable, a dot, and a property.

The markers on a Google Map are another example of objects. Those markers are objects with properties like lat and lng (latitude and longitude), along with other info. For example, something like:

// Wellesley's location
var marker1 = {lng: 42.296612,lat: -71.301956}; 


Objects in JavaScript are general collections of data represented as key/value pairs. They can also be used to support methods to operate on the data. Later, we'll learn how to define methods.