Code Anywhere

Cloud 9 is a service that allows you to create virtual machines (workspaces) and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) that are based in the cloud. We'll be using it at the "starter" level, which, with an educational discount, the department can afford.


I will send each student in the course an invitation using their Wellesley email address. You will have to confirm that, and you should then be able to create a container. We'll do that in class.

Container Creation

We'll do this in class together

  • create a "CentOS 7 PHP" container.

It has:

  • Menus on the top like a desktop Integrated Development Environment (IDE) application. That will all you to create, edit, and save files,
  • files and folders on the left hand side
  • shell on the bottom, for executing commands. We won't use that a lot.

Using a Workspace

  1. create a new file
  2. save it as hello.html
  3. copy-paste the following code into it:
<!doctype html>
<html lang='en'>
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'>

<h1>This is an H1</h1>

<p>This is a very boring paragraph.</p>

  1. Open the hello-world.html file by double-clicking
  2. Click on Preview button to see it live
  3. Change something, save, and look at the preview
  4. Note that there is a "refresh" button in the preview window to view your changes.
  5. have fun!


I can see exactly what you see if you share your workspace with me. (No copying files around.) In fact, you must share your workspace with me and with the tutors in order for us to grade your work. Be sure to do the following:

  • click share in the upper right, next to the big gear
  • enter my email address as the person to invite
  • the default is to share the workspace RW (read and write); that's fine

Stuff to Notice

  • yellow triangles in the margin are warnings
  • red circles in the margin show errors (none yet; we'll make one)

  1. if you know of a way, please let me know.