```Python >>> r1 = {'height': 10, 'width': 20} >>> r1['area'] = r1['height']*r1['width'] >>> print(r1['area']) 200 >>> r1 {'height': 10, 'width': 20, 'area': 200} ``` ================================================================ ```JS > r1 = {'height': 10, 'width': 20}; { height: 10, width: 20 } > r1['area'] = r1['height']*r1['width']; 200 > console.log(r1['area']); 200 undefined > r1 { height: 10, width: 20, area: 200 } ``` ================================================================ ```JS > r2 = {'height': 10, 'width': 20}; { height: 10, width: 20 } > r2.area = r2.height*r2.width; 200 > console.log(r2['area']); 200 undefined > r2 { height: 10, width: 20, area: 200 } ``` ================================================================ Here's the Python in action: ```Python >>> p = 'width' >>> r1[p] = 2 * r1[p] >>> print(r1) {'height': 10, 'width': 40, 'area': 200} ``` ================================================================ Let's see the JS in action: ```JS > p = 'width'; 'width' > r1[p] = 2 * r1[p]; 40 > console.log(r1); { height: 10, width: 40, area: 200 } ``` ================================================================ Here's a variant example: ```JS var a = b + 'c'; ``` That's almost the same, but this time it's string concatenation rather than addition. The two strings are "whatever is in the variable `b`" and the string 'c'. Again, the second is a literal. Contrast that with; ```JS var a = b + c; ``` Now both values are in varibles and we have no idea what either is. So the quotation marks around `c` in the earlier example means literally "c".