Day 1 Reading

To prepare for class, please read all of the documents below. Usually, these would be linked from the schedule, but in this case there were so many it clutters up the schedule. Most of these are short.

Note that this looks like a lot of reading, but the first few should be relatively quick. The following list is roughly in order of importance.

  • VS Code (about 5 pages, also with some pictures). We will use Visual Studio Code (VS Code) as our file editor in this course, so you'll use this every day. You might also want to install VSCode on your laptop, if you have one. I'll make sure it's installed in our classrooms. We'll use it the first day of class.
  • SSH (about 5 pages, with some big pictures). We will use SSH to connect to the CS server, where we will do all our work, so this is crucial. We'll use it on the first day of class, so this is important.
  • Unix (about 10 pages, but with some repetition of material about SSH). You will use most of this, but not all, on the first day of class and on the first assignment. So, this is pretty important, though I don't expect you to know and understand all of it for the first day of class.
  • Syllabus (9 pages) This is important, though maybe not for the first day. But definitely by day 2! 😁😁


I created videos that may be helpful:

  • VSCode Install
  • VSCode remote development setup

These are all uploaded to my college YouTube account, and the YouTube links are on the videos page. From on-campus, that page should be easily accessible. From off-campus, that page is protected by a username/password. Scott will email them to the class; contact Scott if you don't have those credentials.


If you are not able to do all of the above, please do the following:

  • Install VS Code on your laptop. (About 10 minutes).
  • Read about SSH
  • View the VS Code remote development video

Please understand; if I say installing VS Code is the most important thing, it doesn't mean that the other things are not important. But much of the other stuff you can catch up on later. Make sure that you do!