starting foreach CS230: Data Structures



Pair Programming

  • Pair-programming is a collaborative software development technique where two people write code together on one machine.
  • The two people have clearly defined "roles". One is the driver, namely the person writing the code on the keyboard, while the other is the navigator, namely the person helping review the code as it is written and in charge of the overall goals for the task.
  • There's lots of resources out there on the benefits/pitfalls/challenges of pair-programming, here are a few: Article from Martin Fowler, Video from
  • You'll be working in pairs during lab in CS230, and you'll be switching roles every few minutes.
  • If an Assignment Task is labeled as a pair-programming task, both you and your partner can submit the same piece of code (please see the Submission page for details on how to submit such tasks). As per the Honor Code, both authors should be included in the @author tag in the comment section at the top of your file. Recall that, while you are both submitting the same piece of code, you are each responsible to explain your code, if asked.