starting foreach CS230: Data Structures



Learning goals

  • Get familiarity with Stacks
  • Get familiarity with the package javafoundations
  • Get experience with using Stacks with various implementations

Task: Palindrome Checker using your preferred Stack implementation

A palindrome is a linear collection of objects that appear to be in the same order when you list them in either direction (first to last or last to first). In this task our palindromes will be strings.

  • For example, String madam is a palindrome of characters that reads the same forwards as backwards.
  • So is niconanomimatamimonanocin (meaning: "wash your sins, not only your face").

Write a program that uses 1 or 2 stacks to determine if a string is a palindrome. You may want to use String.toCharArray in putting characters onto a stack.

Think about your algorithm. Draw it. Take a picture and scan it. You will submit this at the end. Make sure to include all relevant information in this representation, so that a reader who is only familiar with the Stack interface understands your approach.


  • Your program should contain a predicate method isPalindrome() that returns true or false as appropriate.

  • Your main() method should use your preferred Stack implementation (we've studied two in class so far). Use print statements in main() to show that your method works correctly.

  • You can only use the toCharArray() method in the String class to convert the input string in an array of characters from which you will populate a stack. You cannot not use any other String methods or array operations, other than indexing into an array.

  • An input string is read as a command-line argument and is checked for the palindrome property. If there is no args[0] your program prints a message and continues execution (it does not crash). That way you can assign other strings as input and check for palindrome without having to re-run the program.

  • Assume that the input string contains no spaces or special characters.

You are expected to create your own test cases, and demonstrate that your code meets expectations. Remember that thorough testing implies identifying and testing boundary cases as well.


What to submit

Submit 3 files: your file, the picture describing your strategy in using stacks, and your testing .txt file.


Optional Tasks

Do you want to do a little more programming for fun? Try these:

  • You could use the Java's Stack class.
  • Create a JUnit testing file to test your design.
  • Describe at least 2 different ways of using two stacks to solve the problem. Which one is better? Why?