/* Intro.java * Asks the user for information and prints out values * Key concepts: Scanner class for input, + for String concatenation, declaring * variables of different types, converting numbers to Strings for printing * CS230 Lab 1 * Written by: CS230 * Modified by: * Modified date:jan2715 */ public class Intro { public static void main (String[] args) { // variables declared and initialized String yourName = "Stella"; String year = "2022"; double money = 20.14; boolean csMajor = true; // Print the output to the console System.out.println(); //blank line System.out.println("Hi, my name is " + yourName); System.out.println("I am in the class of "+ year); // year works solo too System.out.println("I have $" + money + " in my pocket."); System.out.println(" and I am a CS major: " + csMajor); System.out.println(); } // closes main }// closes Intro class