CS 240 uses Gradescope for grading paper assignments and exams. Your paper submissions, scanned to PDFs, are uploaded to the website, allowing us to grade more efficiently and consistently. Once grading is complete, you can view your submission and our feedback online.

Gradescope Account

Log in to Gradescope with your Wellesley email address (the variety that matches your username). Your account should be linked for CS 240 at least a day before the first assignment is due. If you have not used Gradescope with this address before, you’ll need to set up a password, etc. If you do not see CS 240 in your account, contact your instructor. If something is amiss, first try Gradescope help.

Uploading pencil Assignments

To upload a pencil assignment, you may prepare the assignment on paper and scan it to PDF or prepare it electronically. In either case, please use the provided template linked from each assignment to save everyone time.

  • On paper:
    • Print the assignment template and complete it on paper.
    • If you have a smartphone or other similar device, you can scan with its camera.
    • You can also use one of the scanners provided by LTS at various spots around campus.
  • Alternatively, you can prepare a PDF electronically using whatever software you wish.

Once you have a PDF, log in to Gradescope and upload the PDF for the proper CS 240 assignment.