Academic Support and Help Hours

Role Name Pronouns
Student You + Classmates (ask)
Tutor Sarah Hickey she/her/hers
Tutor Tiffany Horter
Tutor Yik Siu Chan she/her/hers
Lab Instructor Peter Mawhorter
Instructor Alexa VanHattum

Have a question? Need support?

  1. Check documentation on assignments, labs, policies, tools, or topics.

  2. Use Zulip: ?

    • Check if your question is already asked or answered.
    • If not, post a new question.
  3. Visit help hours (see calendar below) ?

    • help hours schedule (.ics)
    • Help hours marked L037 are in person, and will be held in the the SCI L037 CS Systems Lab.
    • Help hours marked remote are held via Zoom; click on the calendar entry for a Zoom link.
    • Most help hours are drop-ins, where you can just show up during scheduled hours, but some instructors/tutors might have a way to schedule visits during their help hours. Click on the calendar entry for details.
  4. Contact an instructor to arrange an appointment outside of scheduled help hours.

    • You can book Zoom meeting slots with Alexa via If no times are available or none are convenient, post on Zulip to explore other meeting options.