Cache Divination
ex Use performance impact to reveal cache dimensions.
- Assign: Monday, 14 November
- Due: 11:59pm Tuesday, 22 November
- Submit: Bring a typed or neatly handwritten paper copy to class.
- Relevant Reference:
- Collaboration: Individual (#1) and Pair (#2) ex assignment policy, as defined by the syllabus.
1. Paper Cache
You may bring this to class, drop it at Ben’s office (under the door if no one is home), or send a PDF copy by email if you are leaving earlier for break.
Prepare and submit your own individual paper solutions to the following problems from the CSAPP (3rd edition) textbook, either typed or neatly handwritten. A copy of the text (large dark paperback) is available in the microfocus.
When labeling bits with offset, index, and tag, you may use
alternative notations for indicating which bits are associated with
each piece (e.g., offset = bits 0-19, index = bits 20-21, tag = bits
22-31 or ttttttttttiioooooooooooooooooooo
) instead of drawing a
Practice Problems 6.13 - 6.21 are great practice. (Do not submit solutions to the practice problems. You can find their solutions at the end of the chapter.)
Submit solutions for these problems:
- Homework Problem 6.26.
- Homework Problem 6.29. (Note the book may show bits 0-12, which is mistake – there are only 0-11.)
- Homework Problem 6.34.
- Homework Problem 6.36.
2. Automatic Cache Sleuth
Complete the Cache Sleuth from lab this week with your lab partner. Commit and push your work to your partner-shared repository.