CS 240 Lab 2: Data as Bits

Peter Mawhorter

How do Computers Work?

When you press the power button, electricity flows through a bunch of transistors. This feeds power to things like a keyboard & monitor, which send inputs into or receive outputs from the transistors.

The transistors are organized into logic gates, like AND and OR.

But what about… ?

  • There are tens of billions of transistors in a modern computer. How are they connected?
  • Transistors have 1 input & 1 output. How do we represent numbers or text?
  • Logic gates just compute a single outcome from some inputs. How do computers deal with signals over time? How is memory implemented?
  • How can we change what a computer does by writing a program, instead of having to re-wire it?


  • Memes & Questions
  • Representing Numbers
  • Counting with a Circuit
  • Designing Circuits
  • Bit Puzzles

Memes & Questions

Setup status?

  • Has everyone successfully run cs240 auth -i s23?
  • Questions about cs240 script or git?

Representing Numbers

Representing Numbers

  • Binary represents numbers using 0 and 1
    • In base 10, each digit represents 10x10^x
      • 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc.
    • In base 2 (binary), each digit represents 2x2^x
      • 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 256, 512, 1024, etc.
      • We call these digits “bits”
      • These numbers show up everywhere in CS
  • We use a suffix when base is unclear:
    • For example, 112=31011_2 = 3_{10}

Converting to Binary

  1. Figure out biggest power-of-2 that’s smaller
    • Hint: 1024 is 2102^{10}
  2. This is the largest bit that’s a 1
  3. Repeat with the remainder after subtraction

103710=1024+13=1024+8+5=1024+8+4+1=210+23+22+20=100000011012 \begin{align} 1037_{10} &= 1024 + 13 \\ &= 1024 + 8 + 5 \\ &= 1024 + 8 + 4 + 1 \\ &= 2^{10} + 2^3 + 2^2 + 2^0 \\ &= 10000001101_2 \end{align}


  • Binary numbers are long and hard to read
  • Decimal numbers are hard to convert to/from binary
  • Hexadecimal is a compromise: base-16
    • Because the base is a power-of-2, conversion to/from binary is easy
    • Large enough to be short
    • Close enough to base-10 to be somewhat intuitive


  • Uses letters A-F in addition to numbers 0-9
  • Each digit is 16x16^x, and converts to/from 4 bits
  • A 0x prefix is often used, e.g., 0xF83A
  • Two hex digits are 8 bits, which is a byte
    • Bytes are a common unit of information because one byte is enough to represent any letter of the Latin alphabet + plenty of symbols (see ASCII)
    • Max value of a byte is 255, which is FF in hex
  • Converting to binary: convert each digit + concatenate

Two’s Complement

How to represent negative numbers using bits?

  • Could use one bit to represent +/-, and leave other bits alone
    • 4 bits would represent -7 (111121111_2) to +7 (011120111_2), including +0 (000020000_2) and -0 (100021000_2)
    • Adding two negative numbers requires special logic
  • Instead, let the first bit represent 2n-2^n and then other bits add to that to bring us closer to 0.
    • Now 4 bits can represent -8 (100021000_2) to +7 (011120111_2), with just one 0 (000020000_2). -1 is represented as -8 + 7 = 111121111_2.

Advantages of Two’s Complement

  • Only one zero (simplifies equality checking)
  • Addition & subtraction work using a single algorithm for positive and negative numbers
    • When adding a positive number to a negative number, the overflow into the sign bit will correctly determine whether the result is positive or negative
  • See this StackOverflow answer for more.

Counting w/ a Circuit

Logic Diagrams

A logic diagram of a chip numbered 7493. The chip has inputs A, B, R1, and R2, outputs QA, QB, QC, and QD, and Vcc voltage and GND ground connections. In the diagram, input A has an unconnected wire coming in and is labeled as the input, while inputs R1 and R2 are connected to ground (along with the GND connection), and input B is connected to output QA. The Q outputs are labeled as outputs, and each have an unconnected wire coming out (with QA’s wire also connecting back across to input B as already mentioned). The inputs are drawn on the left-hand side, while the outputs are on the right-hand side; Vcc is on top and GND is on the bottom. Vcc also has an unconnected wire. Each input and output is numbered with the pin number that it is connected to on the chip. Inputs A, B, R1, and R2 are on pins 14, 1, 2, and 3. Vcc is on pin 5, and GND is on pin 10. Outputs QA, QB, QC, and QD are on pins 12, 9, 8, and 11. Indeed, this doesn’t make much sense… 

  • NOT the same as a pinout.
  • Inputs on the left
  • Outputs on the right
  • Voltage on top
  • Ground on bottom

Logic Diagrams

  • The layout inside a chip is set up to minimize fabrication costs, not to make your life easy.
  • When wiring things on the protoboard, ignore the logic diagram layout and just pay attention to the pin numbers.

At this point, complete exercise 1 in the notebook by wiring the 7493 up to a push button plus logic outputs and observing its behavior.

Now, add wires to connect your 7493 to the TIL311, and complete exercise 2 in the notebook.

Timing Diagrams

  • Combinational logic circuits can be represented by a truth table or an expression in Boolean algebra.
    • They have 1-way paths from inputs, through gates, to outputs: no loops.
    • Is the 7493 a combinational circuit? NO
  • But what about memory and changes over time?
    • We’ll need more complex notation
    • Sequential circuits have internal state

Timing Diagrams

  • A Timing Diagram shows the high/low state of multiple inputs/outputs as they change over time
    • Plots time on the X-axis vs. voltage on the Y-axis
    • Each input or output has its own stacked Y-axis

What combinational function is this?

A timing diagram: it shows that input A is low for 50 nanoseconds, then high for another 50, then back low, etc. Meanwhile, B (shown directly on top of A) is low for 100, then high for 100, then back low, etc. Output F (shown at the very top) is high for the last 50 out of every 200 nanoseconds, when A and B are both high). 

Timing Diagrams

A circuit with inputs A and B to an AND gate with output F. The input A is from a 50ns clock, while input B is from a 100ns clock. 

  • Inputs are clocks:
    • Off for T1T_1 ns then on for T2T_2 ns
    • Editable via the “Delay.Dev” attribute in LogicWorks

The timing diagram from the circuit above: it shows that input A is low for 50 nanoseconds, then high for another 50, then back low, etc. Meanwhile, B (shown directly on top of A) is low for 100, then high for 100, then back low, etc. Output F (shown at the very top) is high for 50 out of every 200 nanoseconds: when both A and B are simultaneously high). 

Timing Diagrams

  • Sequential circuits have behavior that changes over time
    • Some elements may trigger based on a change in voltage, rather than a particular stable voltage
    • System state may depend on hidden internal variables
    • Timing diagram shows how inputs/outputs change over time, but it doesn’t show hidden variables directly
    • We’ll see more of these later

Now, open LogicWorks and work through Exercise 3 in the notebook.


Designing Circuits

Designing Circuits

  • Given a truth table, how to design a circuit for it?
    1. Use sum-of-products to build a Boolean expression
    2. Wire up gates for each operation
  • Might be an inefficient circuit if you don’t simplify
  • Gets messy w/ many inputs

Designing Circuits

  • Can also use intuition, especially when building for many inputs
    • Often, we have 8, 16, or 32 bits (= wires) to work with
    • Just like trying integration rules in calculus, you can try out different operations over many bits mentally, and work towards a solution


  • A parity bit is set so that the total number of ON bits in a message, including the parity bit, is even
  • By sending a parity bit along with each row of a message, you can quickly determine if a row of the message has been corrupted (assuming only 1 bit is corrupted)
  • Using row & column parity bits, you can often localize & correct errors

111021110_2 has 3 bits set, so the parity bit would 1

101021010_2 has 2 bits set, so the parity bit would 0

Parity with XOR

  • It’s possible to design a circuit for the parity bit of a message using only XOR gates.
  • The truth table for parity P on 2 bits A and B is the same as XOR.
  • How to do this for more bits?
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

Work through Exercise 4 in the notebook in LogicWorks.

Bit Puzzles

Bit Puzzle Goals

  • Exercise + grow your intuition about logical operators
  • Learn some tricks that may eventually come in handy
  • Gain a thorough understanding of 2’s-complement representation

Bit Puzzle Tips

  • Work with 4-bit or 8-bit values; double-check with 32 bits
  • Write out (by hand can be good) results from applying a few operators to see if you can see a pattern

Things to try:

  • Complement the number
  • Add or subtract 1
  • Mask (& with a mask value like 0x0F)
  • !(0) = 1, but !(any other number) = 0
  • Use XOR to compare values
  • Bitwise OR a general solution with a special case
  • Shift left & then right (or vice versa)

Work on Exercises 5-7 in the notebook as practice for the upcoming Bits assignment.